Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1935, Side 11

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1935, Side 11
"Christian Education and Modern Life" An Address Delivered at the Graduation Exercises of Jon Bjarnason Academy on Jane 3, 1935 By REV. B. THEODORE S1GURDSS0N Mr. Chairman, Members of the Graduating Class, Ladies and Gentlemen: In opening this short address, I wish to assure you, that as a graduate of the Jon Bjarnason Academy and as a member of the Board of Directors, I feel greatly honored to be privileged to speak here on this auspicious occasion. I feel, too, a sense of trepidation, for I realize the high hopes and the problems which confront young men and women who have reached this crucial point in their lives, especially in this age of economic, politic, and spiritual chaos. The rising generation today is faced with problems such as no generation ever faced before. In generations past the average student coming out of high school or college was practically assured of a position or trade which would prove lucrative. Today that assurance is a thing of the past—and what is even more tragic, is the fact, that the type of instruction given in so many of our state or secular schools, sends out graduates completely at sea, with regard to the great spiritual values of life, which are in my estimation on an equal if not higher plane than scientific know’eldge. Scientific learning divorced from religious and moral instruc- tion and training makes for an unbalanced and disintegrated personality. You, who are now graduating from the Jon Bjarnason Academy have, I am sure, without exception, been the re- cipients not only of fine instruction in the scholastic field, but also of a fine Christian influence—spoken and unspoken—an influence w7hich emanates from‘every word and action of consecrated instructors w'ho have shown themselves in word and deed, true Christians—true builders of the nations finest citizens. This evening I shall not try to give you any patent solution for all your problems,—not endeavor to prescribe a panacea for all the things which we feel to be wrong in the world today. I am still too close to my graduation days to be able to speak to you as a sage or seer with years of ex- perience behind me. Suffice it to say that I am fully aware of the problems, hopes and perplexities wre are all facing— young and old. I would that I could give you the touchstone of happiness and success. But in our present day, that is not even possible for the world’s great, to say nothing of a humble, youthful clergyman starting out on a career. But of one thing 9


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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