The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 18.10.1968, Blaðsíða 8

The White Falcon - 18.10.1968, Blaðsíða 8
8 -mE WHI TE FALCON EHcky, October 18, 1968 DATA PROCESSING MACHINE OPERATOR A1C Rick Sc hi oss operat es a c omput er at t he Air Fore es Iceland’s Data Auto- mat ion Depart ment FALCON SPOTLITES A1C RICK SCHLOSS Thi s week t he Fal con Spot 1 i t e falls on AI C Ri ck Schloss. The airman is a data process- ing specialist assigned to the Air Forces Iceland’s Data Auto- mation Department located in building 740. In his off-duty hours he works as a food waiter at the Pol ar O ub. Civilians May Be Repayed For U Of Maryland Courses American and Icelandic civil- ian employees may be repayed for any courses they take with the Ihiversity of Maryland ( U of IVJ) her e. For par t i cul ar s see NavStaKef 12410. Those interested contact Mi ss Lynn Lee, Bldg 752, U of M Of f i ce. U HutA CM 4156 Airman Schloss is a native of Roxboro, N, C. Prior to enter- ing the Air Force he attended the University of North Caro- lina. Industrial Relations Announces 11 Civilian Employee Promotions Qie Icelander and 10 US. ci vi 1 i an empl oyee pr omot i ons were recently announced by the Industrial Relations Depart- ment . They are Jonas OskarSson, NVF5, Supply; Frank P. Gemona, GS-11, RCXIQ James A Rail, assi st ant pr i nci pal, Dependent School; and Thomas R. Rtoberts, GS-7, Supply. Also, Freda S. Estes, GS-6, ComNavI ce; J acquel i ne A Uhiting, GS-5, Industrial Re- lations; Linda J. Ki Hebrew, GS- 5, ROIIC, and Nancy B. Thrasher, GS-5, Comptroller. Ot her s pr omot ed ar e G ar a E. Blankenship, GS-5, IDF; Edith J. Adair, GS-4, IDF; and Joseph G. Adessa, General Foremen I, FVblic Works. -^SCHOOL MENU MONDAY OCT. 21 Cream of chicken soup Salami Sandwich Cake Milk TUESDAY OCT. 22 Tomat o soup Chicken salad sandwich Riddi ng Milk WEDNESDAY OCT. 23 Chicken noodle soup Grilled cheese sandwich Cracker Jacks Milk THURSDAY OCT. 24 Barley wit h' beef soup Hot d og s Ice c r earn Milk FRIDAY OCT. 25 Veget ab 1 e soup Fishburger sandwich Fruit Milk Wives Club Notes CPO Wl VES CLUB The CPO Uive’s Cub held a business meeting on October 8, under the direction of IVfc s. Howard Moore, newly elected) nr psi Hpnt . Ms. Moore announced the foil owl ng coimi 11 ee chai r men: ways and means, Mrs. Jim Voiko; menber-at-large, Ms. Wiliam Conroy; hospital, Mrs. Roger Stackpole; Thrift Shop, Ms. Don Lynn; hospitality kits, Ms. Robert McOntock; Welcome Committee, Ms. Darrel Rof f enberger; publicity, Ms. Harold Schelderup and Ms. Jed Davis is to continue to re- port on Youth Activities. The Oct ober Soci al wi 11 be el d at Rockvi lie on Monday, fctober 21, from 10 a. m. to p. m. A tour uncheon 1 anned. Those desiring transportation houl d meet at t he Vi ki ng lub by 9:30 a. m., Monday. of t he r adar si t e and 1 at the ICO Gub is


The White Falcon

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