The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 30.04.1971, Side 9

The White Falcon - 30.04.1971, Side 9
d y • ume W ed by the Icelandic National Sym- phony. Mr. Helge Larsen, the Da- nish Minister for Education de- livered the first speech. He spoke of the treaty, which dates cack to 1961, for the return of saga manuscripts. He also spoke about the increased understanding and cooperation between the Nor- dic nations. Mr.Larsen then pre- sented the volumes to Dr. Gylfi Th. Gislason who is the Minister for Education in Iceland. Dr. Gislason spoke of the history and heritage of the Icelandic people and their language. He concluded his speech by plauding the Danish government for their noble act in returning the manuscripts. In a symbolic gesture, the volumes were then presented to Dr. Magnus Mar Larusson, Rector of the Uni- versity of Iceland, who then de- livered the closing address. The ceremonies were terminated by the playing of Dorisk Chaconne the National Symphony. The manuscripts will be on ex- dtion at the university for a ihort time. They will then be placed in a vault especially con- structed for the preservation of the calfskins. The smaller volume known to Icelandics as "Saemund's Edda," is believed to have been written in the 13th century by a priest on the southern coast of Iceland. Little was known of it until the middle of the 17th century when the bishop at Skalholt acquired it. Less than 20 years later it was sent to King Frederic III of Denmark, in response to an order by the king that all manuscripts be sent to Denmark for preserva- tion in libraries. The history of the "Flateyar- bok" is better known. The book was not written in Flatey as the name suggests but was written in northern Iceland by two priests. The manuscript, which was made on calfskins written with swan fea- ther quills, contains annals up to the year 1394. It was not un- til the 16th century the two vol- ume book reached the island of atey for which it is now named, se manuscripts were then given the bishop at Skalholt who in m sent them to King Frederic in 1656. WHITE FALCON ABOVE: Minister for Education Dr. G. Gislason presents vol- umes to Rector of University of Iceland LEFT: Danish sailors debark- ing with pack- ages containing saga treasures. BELOW: Icelan- dic and Danish dignitaries oc- cupy front row a t unveiling ceremonies.


The White Falcon

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