The White Falcon

Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

The White Falcon - 31.12.1971, Qupperneq 1

The White Falcon - 31.12.1971, Qupperneq 1
The White Falcon DEP/U^TME/JT OF DE/E^SE HUMAN GOALS i^r nation* was founded on tic prlndpCe tiiat tie individual las Infinite dignity and wortl*. Hlc Depxxrtnvent* cf Defense, wild* exists to tcccp He nation* secure and ok peace, wash always tic* guided by misprinciple. SJnalCtlah* we do, we mush show respect? for tie serviceman and edition employee as a person*, rtcoguig'iMy lis lM*dividwal needs f aspirations, old capohtibies. JL le defense of tie nation* requires a well-trained force, military and edition*, regular and reserve>. HI provide such* a force we must* increase tie attractiveness of a career u*J\Defe*usc* so tied* tie service'*- man* and* tie civilian* employee wilCfecltle lugfiesh pride ire (urnsetf and (us word, uvlltf, uniform, and tie militaryprofession*. the/cnjajmjnor thfse ^oais jzQvaj&s that we strive ... jH o attract to tie defense service people wltl ability, dedication,, *and capacity forgrowthj lHprovide opportunity for every one, military and civilian*, to rise bo as liyl a level <f responsibility aslis taint and diligeMce* will take line■; HI o nudee military and civilian- service in tie DeparUnercb cf (Defense a model of equal opportunity for all regardless of race or creed or -national origin*, and to laid those who do- business -will tie (Department to full compliance witl tie policy feoual employment* opportunity} 1H? help each serviceman at tie end f his service in* lus adjustment* to civilian, Cfe*^ and* HI o contribute to tic improvement four society, including its ctisadvan,* taged members, by greater utdigatloK* cfowr Inman, and ply steal resources wlllc maintaining full effectiveness in, tie jxformance fourprimary mission.


The White Falcon

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