The White Falcon - 15.03.1974, Side 1
Life Saving
Bazaar set
The Ladies Branch of the
National Life Saving Association
of Iceland will hold a bazaar in
Keflavik this Sunday at 4 p.m.
The Bazaar will be held at
Tjarnarlundi, located at Tjarhar-
gata 21. This is a good oppor-
tunity to buy all kinds of Ice-
,dic needlework at very reason-
le prices.
The National Lafe Saving As-
sociation of Iceland is one of
the most active organizations in
Iceland. They work directly with
Icelandic fishermen and other
groups in their efforts to save
mn $500
A top prize of $500 awaits the
winner of the National Space
Club's Robert H. Goddard Histori-
cal Essay Award competition for
The annual competition is open
to any U.S. citizen. It is named
for Dr. Robert H. Goddard whose
Scientific and technological con-
tributions "... helped open the
door to space."
Essays should not exceed 5,000
words and may deal with any sig-
nificant aspects of the histori-
cal development of rocketry and'
astronautics. They will be
judged on their originality and
Entries should be submitted by
Nov. 1, 1974, to the Goddard His-
torical Essay Contest, care of
National Space Club, 1629 K
Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
The winner, to be announced at
the awards ceremony in early
1975, will receive the Goddard
Historical Essay Trophy, a cer-
tificate and $500. (AFNS)
JO inspections
Following is a list of J0-
numbered license plates being in-
spected between now and March 29.
March 18....
March 19.... ....5218-5289
March 20.... ....5290-5353
March 21.... ....5354-5416
March 22....
March 25.... ....5490-5547
March 26.... ....5548-5599
March 27.. .. ....5600-5655
March 28....
March 29....
The White Falcon
^____Volume XXX, Number 10 March IS, 1974_
NATO Base holds tenth
wives information presentation
The NATO Base is offering the
tenth Navy Wives Service Informa-
tion Presentation March 25, 26,
27 and 28 at the Glacier House.
The program, which is held
from 1 to 4 p.m. on the four
days , is geared to cover the many
questions of Navy wives.
Experts in various fields will
be at the meetings to present up-
to-date information on such sub-
jects as: Servicemen's Group Life
Insurance, medical benefits, mov-
ing procedures and costs, mili-
tary pay, legal matters and pro-
motions .
The program is designed to
help the Navy wife get honest an-
swers and not be misled by rumor.
Free nursery service will be
provided at the base nursery for
Navy wives who do attend. The
commanding officer will author-
ize time off for husbands to take
wives to and from the program
each day.
A minimum of 15 wives must be
enrolled in the four-day class in
order for it to be held. Com-
fortable accommodations are a-
vailable for 25 wives.
To register for the program,
call N-A-V-Y, ext. 6289.
Inside the Falcon
Page 2—DP* and DS* Page 4— CREO
Page 3—Girl Scouts
Page 4—Quiz
"Page 3—Scholarships Page 6—Sports
Page 5—Got the ‘grumbles’?