The White Falcon - 15.03.1974, Side 2
Navy needs specially trained people
to run computer systems
With the advance technological
equipment that is so prevalent
today has come an increasing de-
mand for specially trained per-
sonnel to operate the equipment.
For example, computers are becom-
ing more and more important in
the Navy. Operation and main-
tainance of these man-made
"brains" are the responsibility
of Navy Data Processing Tech-
nicians (DPs) and Data Systems
Technicians (DSs).
Computers are important for
many reasons. They can store and
recall information, draw conclu-
sions from programmed material,
work mathematical equations, or-
ganize statistics and speed
otherwise timely data processes.
Working with these machines is
becoming an increasingly chal-
lenging profession, and the Navy
has a program to train personnel
to operate its systems.
DPs ana DSs receive highly
specialized training in the world
of computers. DPs are the pro-
grammers , systems analysts, oper-
ators , clerks and librarians.
They also do some maintenance
work, but DSs do most of the cir-
cuitry and mechanical repairs.
Basic ‘A*
DPs and DSs have several dif-
ferent ways to gain experience
and training. To start with,
there are the basic class "A"
schools for both. After "A"
school, they are usually given
on-the-job training at a shore
command or on board ship. There
are also many class "C" schools
to which members of both rates
may be sent for advance training.
Some DPs and DSs attend col-
leges and universities near their
command for training on specific
types o f computers. Computer
companies also give factory
training. In addition, the Air
Force and Army train some Navy
Many Navy facilities, bases
and large ships are now utilizing
computers for aircraft detection
and tracking, fire control sys-
tems, navigation, payroll, mus-
ter, supply and maintenance pur-
poses. Keeping abreast of new
developments and techniques in
todays's computer world, Navy DPs
and DSs ensure continued effec-
tive and 'efficient operation of
these electronic giants.
Computers and- DPs and DSs,
however, are but one team of spe-
cialized equipment operators
which are an essential part of
the modern Navy. There are
countless others which contribute
equally necessary and vita)^kic-
tions. The Navy is cuSRtly
striving to provide all newcomers
with thfe training necessary to
perform the functions of his rate
and become an integral part of
the Navy team, and vocational
training is one lmethod being em-
ployed to achieve this end.
A Public Service of This Newspaper
& The Advertising Council
Lights. TV sets. Electrical appliances.
Please turn 'em all off the minute you're
through with them. It'll save you money
and it may save all of us from running
of fuel. Any way you look at it, it’s wort^^
the effort.
The White Falcon
Captain J. H. McDonald
Lieutenant L. R. Dortch JOC W. J. Thomas
public affairs officer information chief
TEditor.. .Bob Haagenson Reporters.. .Gary Grady and Jean Frosch
Photographer—John Schreiner Info Specialist.. .Sandy Thoeii
The White Falcon is published weekly, Fridays, in accordance with NAVSO P-1035
(revised December 1965) far distribution only to military personnel on the Naval
Station, Keflavik, Iceland, and their dependents, and to military and civilian
employees of the Iceland Defense Force or U.S. Government and their families. It is.
printed in the Naval Station Print Shbp from appropriated funds in accordance with
NAVEXOS P-35. The opinions and statements made herein are not to be construed as
official views of the Department of Defense or U. S. Government. The White Falcon
subscribes to the Air Force News and American Forces Press Services. Guidance and
additional material is provided by the U.S. Navy Office of Information. j
The Cover
These barrels (no they are noc
Irish whiskey barrels) were found
in Keflavik. The photograph was
taken by John Schreiner.
Birth Announced
A son, Blucher Todd, was born
to Blucher and,Joyce Allison on
March 3.
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White Falcon