The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 18.12.1981, Síða 4

The White Falcon - 18.12.1981, Síða 4
SecNav "As we enter the holiday season, I would like to extend my best wishes for a merry Christmas and happy holidays to each member of the Navy and Marine Corps team and their families. It is truly a spec- ial time, filled with new hopes and excitement, with the warmth of religious and family values. It is a time of re- newal central to the American way of life. Our Navy and Marine Corps family shares in this spirit in a special way. So many members of our family must spend these holidays far from home, on duty in every part of the world. But our awareness that this vigi- lance and sacrifice make possible the peace and freedom of America and of free men everywhere draws us closer together." John Lehman c SecAF "Season's greetings! In this holiday season, Mrs. Orr * and I are warmed with the fl thought of our new friends and^ associates around the globe. We have had the pleasure of visiting many of you on the job and in your homes this past year and are grateful for the way you have welcomed us into the Air Force family. "There are those of you, we know, whose duties require you to be away from the tradition- al and familiar holiday obser- vances this season, and to you we offer a special greeting. "May the New Year bring each of you continued bless- ings and success in facing the challenges that lie ahead." Verne Orr CWI CorrilceDeFor "As we enter this holiday season, I know that each of us is grateful that our coun- try is at peace. This peace on earth is maintained through the dedication and many con- tributions of every man and woman within our country's military service. "Here in Iceland, the De- fense Force exemplifies that dedication on NATO's front line of defense. In the final analysis, we are the protec- tors of peace on earth. Your continuing efforts give us our only chance of achieving a true peace for all nations. "The varied sacrifices of the many members of the De- fense Force, some of whom are required to be separated from their families and loved ones during this joyous season, are the price we must pay if we are to continue enjoying free- dom. "To all of you and your loved ones, Carol and I wish you a Happy Hanukkah, a Merry Christmas and a most peaceful and prosperous year to come." RADM R. F. Marryott CO, NavSta "With the beginning of the most important religious holi- days and the New Year, it is important that we all stop and take stock of the events of the past year. While many parts of the world are exper- iencing foreign occupation, labor unrest or civil strife, the United States remains strong and free. The purpose of the military is to defend the United States, to protect the freedom we all hold so dear, to guarantee to those back home the right to life, liberty, religious freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Recent events underscore the importance of Keflavik and the importance of the jobs you are all doing so well. Without your individual efforts, 'Peace on earth, goodwill to men...1 could be words never used again. Your sacrifice and your dedication to duty is not going unnoticed. "Donny and I would like to take this opportunity to sin- cerely thank each of you for the important part you have played in the events of this past year. We wish you and your family a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah and a safe, prosperous and happy 1982." CAPT Peter T. Smith Commander, AFI "As the holiday season approaches, I take pleasure in extending season's greetings to everyone and personally thanking the men and women of Air Forces Iceland for the fine job they have done in support of our mission during the past year. "As members of the military service, far from home and loved ones this season, we should pause to reflect what this personal sacrifice means to our country. In these days of political turmoil and un- rest, a country with a strong defense has the best chance for continued peaceful exis- tence. We who are serving in Iceland have reason to be proud as our being here helps to insure peace and strength for our country. The AFI mission could not have been done without your hard work and dedication. I thank you for a job well done. "Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and may peace and happiness be with you in the A coming year." ^ Col. Jerry E. Smith unnw ■J1L60TI 4


The White Falcon

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