The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 25.10.1985, Blaðsíða 2

The White Falcon - 25.10.1985, Blaðsíða 2
Post Office... Christmas information By J02 Ed Baker With Christmas just around the corner, it's time to buy those gifts for your loved ones back home. It's also time to consider the mailing of those gifts. According to PCI John Laws, Postal Supervisor for the Base Post Office, "To insure that your packages and letters arrive before Christmas you will need to follow some simple guidelines and dates. First there's your SAM/PAL packages which need to be mailed before Nov. 15. Then for pack- ages mailed "Priority", the safe deadline is 1 Dec. First Class mail (letters and Christmas cards) can be mailed up to 15 Dec. insuring del iv- ery before Christmas in most cases." Petty off- icer Laws went on to say that last year most peo- ple waited until the last moment to mail off pack- ages. "In the month of November, we handled a- round 20,000 pounds of mail, but in December, the volume went well over 50,000 pounds. I'm sure that some people was disappointed when their pack- ages for Christmas arrived too late. My advise is to mail early," PCI Laws concluded. •. Also for the Christmas Season this year, the Post Office will offer in limited amounts, special stickers stating "Do Not Open Until Christmas". They will be offered free of charge until they run out. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS designed by SA Korin Geiger Also in the offering beginning October 31, two special stamps for the Season. The first stamp is a commemorative stamp to be issued in Nazareth, Michigan, near Kalamazoo. The stamp, designed by James Dean, features the traditional Christmas gift plant, the poinsettia. The triditional Christmas stamp will depict "The Genoa Madonna," an enameled terra-cotta scul- ture by Luca Della Robbia, one of the most popular sculptors of the early Italian Renaissance. This stamp will be issued out of Detriot, Michigan. Personal Perspective The Falcon asked: What does Halloween mean to you and how do you plan to celebrate it this year? Ebony Wheelington -- On Halloween I look for- ward to the parties and games. This year I'm going'to dress up as a "Punk rocker." Robert Beidlerman -- I like to get a lot of candy and dress up. I also like to go out and scare people...and get scared too. Mary Jane Osgard -- Hal- loween is a time' for me to have fun, be with my friends, and go trick- or-treating. It's my favorite holiday other than Christmas. Edwin Whiteman -- I look forward to Hallo- ween. I like to go trick-or-treating to get candy. This year I'mdressing as a trans- former. THE WHITE FALCON is published weekly by the Ice- land Defense Force Public Affairs Office for Mil- itary and civilian personnel and their dependents stationed in Iceland. It is printed T>y the Naval Station Print Shop with appropriated funds per NAVSO P-35. Photographs are printed by the Naval Station Photo Lab. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of IDF, DoD, or the U.S. government. The White Falcon office is located in Bldg. 936 on the NATO Base, Ext. 4612. Submit art- icles prior to 4 p.m. on Fridays. C0MICEDEF0R..................Commodore E.K. Anderson Public Affairs Officer........CDR Dorothy J. Schmidt Assistant PA0....................Fridthor Kr. Eydal Editorial Staff Advisor............................J0C John Petersen Editor...........................J01 Howard Watters Reporter/Layout........................J02 Ed Baker Reporter...........................J02 Chiquita Land Reporter/Layout........................J03 Tim Abbott Photographer..................PHAN Patricia Foraker 2 The White Falcon October 25, 1985


The White Falcon

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