The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 01.05.1987, Síða 1

The White Falcon - 01.05.1987, Síða 1
Atlantic Fleet Sailors of Vice Admiral Richard li. Dunleavy, Commander Naval Air Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet, has announced the selection of the 1986 Sea and Shore Sailors of the Year. Hospital Corpsman First Class Dale H. Fuller, II of Commander Fleet Air Keflavik, Iceland (COMFAIRKEF) was named the Shore Sailor of the Year, while the title of the Sea Sailor of the Year went to Electrician's hate Second Class Frederick B. Lawrence or the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). Petty Officer Fuller, a Pennsylvania native, is administrative assistant at the Naval Station Keflavik hospital. He supervises eight enlisted personnel, and has numerous other hospital and departmental duties, which include departmental career counselor and assistant Public Affairs Officer. ‘Hard work pays off. Put into the Navy twice what is expected of you and it will pay off. Your highest goals are obtainable," commented Fuller when asked what advice he had for younger sailors. He is currently working to obtain a college degree and would like to become a Medical Corps Officer. Petty Officer Fuller, his wife Pamela and their two children Stacy and Nicole reside in Keflavik, Iceland. Petty Officer Lawrence , a Florida native, is currently a member of the Logistics Support Group which is responsible for the organization and coordination of all work packages for the USS the Year announced HM! Dale H. Fuller, of CFK andEM2 Fredrick B. Lawrence of USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) pose with ViceAdm. Richard M. Dunleavy. Theodore Roosevelt's upcoming post shakedown availability. Lawrence believes young sailors should "get started early in establishing their goals. The Navy is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of." He has just recently completed a college degree and looks forward to starting in the Navy's Officer Candidate School later this year. Petty Officer Lawrence and his wife, Michelle currently reside in Newport News, Virginia. Both men will now go on to compete in the U.S. Atlantic Fleet Sailor of the Year competition. James H. Webb Jr. named 66th Secretary of the Navy Recently, James H. Webb Jr. was sworn in as the 66th Secretary of the Navy. Following a unanimous Senate Armed Services Committee recommen- dation, the Senate confirmed the 41-year old Webb by voice vote April 9, 1987. Following graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1968, Webb was commissioned in the Marine Corps. He completed Marine Officers basic school at the top of his class of 243. He served as a Rifle Platoon and Company Commander in Vietnam, earning the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts. He received a law degree from Georgetown Law Center in 1975. During the following years, he alternated between positions in Government and a career as an author. Webb served as the Assistant Minority Counsel and Minority Counsel for the House Veterans' Affairs Committee. Most recently, he served as the First Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. His first novel, "Fields of Fire" graphically described ground combat in Vietnam and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. His next book,"A Sense of Honor" was set at the Naval Academy. In 1983, "A Country Such as This" followed the lives and careers of three Naval Academy friends. Webb said he was privileged and honored to lead the world's finest sailors and marines. Following Webb's confirmation, John F. Lehman Jr. departed in ceremonies after serving six years as the Secretary of the Navy. Lehman received a full honors ceremony, complete with a 19-gun salute at the Pentagon.


The White Falcon

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