The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 09.12.1988, Blaðsíða 10

The White Falcon - 09.12.1988, Blaðsíða 10
FYI's (For Your Information)) Special Announcements The Dating Game will be played at the Top of the Rock (TOR) next Fri at 10 p. m. The winning couple will receive dinner for two and free movie tickets. Bachelors and bachelorettes may sign up by calling Karyn at 7493. IBM Users Group meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 p. m. at the Community Center. Call David at 6238 DWH or 4835 AWH for more information. Jazz Night will be held tomorrow and next Friday at the Fleet Reserve at 7 p. m. Music by "Good Doctor". Texas smoke Bar-B-Que will be sold. Come eat and enjoy. The 4557th Supply Customer Service section is your single point of contact for customer assistance in the following areas: Current status of due-ins and due-outs, complaints, investi- gations and adjusting customer accounts. For more information, call TSGT Williams at 4662. SeaBee Car Wash will be held tomorrow at the PWD old wash rackfrom9a.m. to 3 p. m. Holiday Flea Market will be held tomorrow at 1 p. m. at the Top of the Rock (TOR). There is a small fee for table rental. Tables must be reserved in person. This is an excellent time to sell your car. Bring it to the TOR parking lot and show it to interested individuals. For more information or to register, call 4661 or 7493. Atari Computer Owners interested in exchanging information contact Fridthor at 4552. SeaBee Sunshine Committee Cookbooks are available for pick up or re-order. Call Hazel at 2888 or Stephanie at 7653. Officer's Wives Club Hail and Bless will be held Tue at 7 p. m. at Qtrs 628 C&D. Call Jeanne at 7277 for more information. Winter Music Fest will be held at the A.T. Mahan High School multi-purpose room Tue at 7 p.m. The program will feature dancing, drama and music. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. AFI Christmas Party will be held Wed at the Top of the Rock at 6 p.m. All personnel and dependents are invited. Call MSGT Batiste at 2682 or SRA Williams at 4525 for more information. Gospel Music workshop will be held at the Old Chapel Tue through Sat. Singers and musicians are needed for this workshop to participate in an upcoming Gospel Music Concert. The concert will be held at Andrews Theater Dec 17. Call MSGT Haney at 7269 or SGT Barrow at 7263 for more information. Familg Services Center Single Parents Group will be meeting Mon from noon to 1 p. m. Being a single parent is both challenging and rewarding. Join this group and share ideas and learn better ways of handling the routines of being a single parent. Special holiday treats will be served. Please register in advance. Icelandic Holiday Traditions workshop will be offered on Tue from noon to 1 p. m. The holiday traditions in Iceland are much more than the Christmas Trolls. Come and learn which days are official holidays, traditional ways of celebrating and things you can do. Job Interviewing workshop will be offered on Tue from 2 to 4 p. m. This workshop will teach you how to prepare and what pitfalls to avoid. You have jumped through all the hoops and have gotten through the door for a job interview. Research shows that many people defeat themselves in the interview due to being nervous or not being prepared. Jingle Bells, Single Blues workshop will be offered on Wed from 7 to 8 p.m. As the holidays come up, our spirits can go down, especially if we are single or away from our families during this special time of year. Come learn how to beat the "holiday blues" and make this time more enjoyable. All single and unaccompanied personnel are encouraged to attend. Spouse Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) orientation workshop will be offered on Thu from 9 to 10 a.m. This workshop is an introduction to the employment system on the base. Application information will be available from all employment offices. Learn how the Spous Employment Coordinator can you in the job market. Christmas Cookie Drive wi begin Mon. The cookie drive will be for the single and unaccompanied people in the barracks. With over 2,500 people to serve, this will mean that 15,000 cookies are needed. Community support is needed, homemade, pre-packaged cookies or donations to purchase cookies will be collected Mon through next Tue. If you would be willing to bake, package or deliver cookies. Call 4401. To register or for more information call the Family Services Center at 4401. USD Information Fish Fry every Fri at 6 p. m. Taco Special tomorrow. Reykjavik Shopping Trip leaves at 9 a. m. CPR class will be held tomorro at noon at the NADSAP class ro, in the Air Ops building. Tree Trimming Party will be held tomorrow at 8 p. m. Free snacks, Christmas music and your creative touch on the trees will make the holiday party complete. Come and join us for the fun. DOD Show "Kern Tones" are scheduled to appear at 2 p. m. on Sun. Come in and enjoy the music. Pancake Special on Sun. Indiana Admission Day will be Sun. Bring in your driver's license and get a free order of french fries. Gift Shop Special on angora on Sun. Gift Shop will also have a Christmas sale with 25 percent off on Thu. Holiday Videograms can be made on Mon and Wed from 6 to 10 p.m. This is your last chance, so sign up now. Candle Light Night begins Tue at 5:30 p.m. Rotator Breakfast will be Wed from 6:30 to 11 a. m. Carolers, musicians and entertainers are needed. C 6113 for more details. see "FYI's" on pg 11 10 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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