The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 08.01.1993, Blaðsíða 1

The White Falcon - 08.01.1993, Blaðsíða 1
HITE FALCON Icelandic words of the week: One - Elnn (Ayt n) Six - Sex (Sex) Two - Tvelr (Twayr) Seven -SJo (S yer) Three - Prlr (Threerr) Eight - Atta (Owl Ufa) Four - Fjdrir (Fyo rir)Niae - Niu (Nee yew) Five - Fimm (Fun) Ten * Ttu (Tee oo) VoL 52 No. 01 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community January 8,1993 Rocky Road Four-Wheelers ride to the rescue Story and photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni It was the very last day of 1992. While Mother Nature made a last ditch effort to increase her yearly snowfall average, many motorists at Naval Air Sution (NAS), Keflavik found themselves either in ditches, trapped in parking lots or stranded along roads. It looked like a job for the “Rocky Roaders!” The Rocky Road Four-Wheel Drive Club is primarily anoutdoorexcursion group which specialize in conquering terrain that’s not accessible to most motor vehicles. However, an offshoot of the organization is the Emer- gency Rescue Service. Volunteer “Rocky Roaders” use their own four-wheel drive ve- hicles to assist NAS Security in assisting stranded motorists. Security can’t tie up their military vehicles [ping stranded motorists because they have duties to perform.^ So, when they drive around the base cm their security checks, and if they notice that someone is stuck, they’ll dispatch the “Rocky Roaders” to that loca- tion. Last Thursday, after the base went into Travel Condition II-A, security requested the assistance of six “Rocky Roader” vehicles - the maximum that can be activated. “We pulled out approximately 40 vehicles and assisted about 40 others who needed a little push,” said PHI (AC) Marie Ketten- hofen, Chairman for the “Rocky Roader’s” Emergency Rescue Service. “We got the call at about 7 a.m and didn’t finish until about 2:30 p.m.,” he said. MA2 Richard Bailey of Navy Security explained, “People get a misconception of the snow and think,‘Oh, that doesn’t look too deep,’ until they get in it, and then it’s too late. When you get up in the morning and it's snowing, tune into ‘The Roller’ or the radio for a weather report, because if you don't know that the base is in a travel condition, you'll probably get stuck.” That’s what happened to Sgt. Darrin Dunn, je tried to make it out of a parking lot onto road but didn’t realize how deep the !C*' drifts were. “It’s kind of hard to dig your car out of three feet of snow,” said Sgt Dunn. “I felt stranded... kind of aggravated. It’s very important in Iceland that these guys Rocky Roaders help pull Sgt. Darrin Dunn’s vehicle out of a snow drift. (Rocky Roaders) are around. They’re fantas- tic... a great group.” AT2 Charles Grey, a volunteer “Rocky Roader”, had only three days left in Iceland before transferring, but he jumped at the opportunity to lend a hand again. “This is my second year doing this,” he said. I'm just out having fun, it gets me off from work, plus, I like to see how deep a drift people will try to go through with just six inches of clearance, I get a good laugh out of it” Stranded motorists were full of thanks, and “Rocky Roaders” got to romp around in their four-wheel drives. "Today we pulled out an 18-wheeler,” said AME2 Richard Barnard, another volunteer “Rocky Roader.” “We pulled out a bus last year, but the 18-wheeler was tops so far - the biggest thing we’ve pulled out around here.” As the volunteers headed back to their ve- hicles, somebody shouted out, “Hey, let’s go hook up with a couple of airplanes.” After a moment of laughter, they were off again, bar- reling through the snow drift from which they just pulled out a stranded car. Holiday chat LCpl. Anthony J. Klemm (left), Marine Corps Security Force Company, and IS 1 Liz Pereira, Iceland Defense Force, were connected to family members by a long distance telephone call. The call took place dur- ing the Christmas holiday and was sponsored by WCBS Ra- dio in New York. Pereira stated, "It was great talking to my mother, because I have not seen her in a few years." (Photo by J02 Colleen C. Casper)


The White Falcon

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