The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 26.03.1993, Síða 2

The White Falcon - 26.03.1993, Síða 2
In memory PFC Smalley will not be forgotten A week ago Thursday, on another cold snowy day at Naval Air Station, Keflavfk, a memorial service was held for a fallen ship- mate, a Marine who few of us had time to meet, but one who has touched us in death if not in life. His name was Private First Class Steven J. Smalley, U.S. Marine Corps. A new arrival to the Keflavik community on the morning of March 13. He was 19-years-old, from Twin Falls, Idaho, and had served proudly in the U.S. Marine Corps for seven-and-a-half months. It was a moving service full of song and remembrance, producing the pangs of pain that swell your chest, grab your throat and result in tears. Members of our communi ty - seaman from the air station, airmen from Air Force squad- rons, and senior officers from most com- mands - joined Rear Admiral Haskins, our chaplains and fellow Marines of the Marine Coips Security Force Company, Keflavik, to reflect on the tragedy. This young Marine’s short life will have a lasting impact upon the many men and women of our community. People who did not know PFC Smalley were not aware, as Chaplain Craig Fenske as- tutely pointed out, the young man not only lived the life of the Corps’ motto of “Semper fidelis” of “Always faithful” while in uni- form but also throughout his lifetime. During the service, there was praise for his life and solace in the belief that he is with the God he so dearly loved. There was an ever- present hope and plea from Admiral Haskins that PFC Smalley’s untimely and unneces- sary death due to a shooting incident would serve as a constant reminder to all who handle weapons and who operate aircraft and poten- tially dangerous equipment. He stressed that we should always be vigilant in doing our work, with the precision required to always be safe. I can tell you and his father, Steven L. Smalley of Twin Falls, Idaho, and his mother, Judy McClimas of Jerome, Idaho, that al- though I never knew him in life, I have known him in death and I will never forget their son, their Marine. May God bless PFC Smalley, his family and friends, and the Marines of Keflavik. “Semper fi.” A shipmate From the Marines The officers and Marines of Marine Corps Security Force Company, Keflavik, would like to express sincere gratitude to the entire commu- nity for the warm, sincere concern we have received during our time of sor- row over the tragic loss of PFC Steven J. Smalley. Even though he was only with us for a short time, we will never forget him. We are a small contingent of Ma- rines who stand our duty proudly and honor our traditions. It is encouraging to know that when we needed assis- tance from outside our group, that there were those who responded to our need and who truly cared. There are too many people to list individually, but we do want to let everyone know that the out-pouring of community spirit has been heartwarming and very much appreciated. ofMarine lompany^B^k mnSSSEl e commu-^^ Marine Corps Security Force Company, Keflavik Separation—it can be an easy process In an effort to assist service members and their families as the military implements a mandated drawdown, the federal government has created a number of new programs and enhanced many of the existing programs. These programs are designed to provide assistance in the areas of employment, fi- nance, separation, education and retraining. Here is a brief sketch of what is currently available to eligible personnel. Employment Assistance Military personnel and their spouses are eligible to attend a three-day seminar offered by the Family Service Center (FSC) each month. The workshop addresses job coun- seling, interviewing skills, resume prepara- tion, skills assessment, relocation informa- tion and VA benefits. Defense Outplacement Referral Service (DORS) w HITE.. F=^X l >I\I Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L. Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridthdr Kr. Eydal Chief Petty Officer in Charge JOC Terry J. Bamlhouse DORS is a mini-resume system advertis- ing service members and their spouses to prospective employers. It is a valuable mar- keting tool with over 3,000 potential employ- ers subscribing to the database. Transition Bulletin Board (TBB) TBB is a computerized bulletin board employers utilize to post job availability; it includes salary, qualifications necessary for the position and location of employment. This service is also offered to spouses. Priority In affiliating with guard and reserve units The DoD grants priority to eligible mili- tary separates upon application to the Guard or Reserves within one year after separation. Financial Assistance Unemployment compensation Separated military personnel are eligible for benefits based on individual state laws. Draftsman DM2 Danielle J. Kim Editor J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter" Casper Journalists J02 Carlos Bongioanni J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The White Falcon is printed by the NAS Keflavik Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Fleet Im- aging Command Detachment Keflavik. The FSC has current information for ne every state. Education Retraining Assistance Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) Eligible separating personnel may enroll in the MGIB program prior to separation and receive financial assistance for educational expenses. Certain members currently eli- gible for Veterans Educational Assistance Program may convert to the MGEB pro- gram. Look for a seminar in April telling how to apply for VA education benefits. It is important to note that many of these opportunities and benefits are available to family members as well as the active duty person. For more information about these or other benefits for which you may be eligible, contact the FSC at ext. 4401 for more infor- mation. The White Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not nec- essarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, maril status, physical handicap, or any other non-i factor. The White Falcon is located in Bldg. \ tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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