The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 02.04.1993, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 02.04.1993, Blaðsíða 4
Iceland’s strategic importance continues The Space Shuttle landed in Keflavlk, that is, aboard a modified 747jumbo jet. The day was May 19,1983, and quoting the May 27, of The White Falcon, "it is estimated that nearly the entire population of Reykjavik was looking up - at the NASA orbiter Enterprise, interconnected planes were enroute to the Paris Air Show. (Official U.S. Navy file photo) W6A est flow of traffic. More than 1,000 aircraft put down their wheels in a single month on their way to the battlefields. In 1946, the Government of Iceland took possession of Meeks Field in accordance with an agreement with the United States and renamed it Keflavfk International Airport After the war, Keflavfk International Aiiport became the stop-over point for the propeller driven airliners providing service to the rap- idly growing number of people traveling the skies over the Atlantic in the greatest comfort and style of the time. Icelandair is now the most common carrier operating from the Keflavfk International Airport The airport is co-located with U.S. Naval Air Station, Keflavfk, sharing the runways. The strategically located base provides support to military aircraft of the United States and other countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The American military force was established in Iceland in 1951 by a defense agreement be- tween Iceland and the United States undo- the auspices of NATO. For over 40 years, it has provided for the security of strategically located Iceland in the common interest of all 12 nations of the NATO alliance. It is doubtful that the Ameri- can Seabees and the soldiers struggling with their work through the winter gales so long ago could have predicted the im- pact that their toil would have on the history of air travel and mili- tary air operations. Their efforts have withstood the test of time and the onward march of tech- nology during the last 50 years. What the next five decades may bring in advanced aviation and space technology remains largely hidden. But as long as travelers continue to make the trans-At- lantic crossing in inner space, Keflavfk will surely remain the glistening stepping stone in the middle of the vast ocean, offering comfort and respite for the trav- eler between the new world and the old. g%m\nm8i V PURIISMID fOS AMtRICAN FORCI* IN ICIIANO MARINES STILL HOLDING WAKE First American Hero is Dead British Attack 'li* llrsiolrr Men l-'rwni l** to The base is not the only thing that has changed in 50 years. (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) The White Falcon historical insert


The White Falcon

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