The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 09.04.1993, Blaðsíða 5

The White Falcon - 09.04.1993, Blaðsíða 5
/ FYls (For Your Information) y-'ii m bin City Colleges of Chicago will be closed .oday and Monday in observance of Easter, e American Red Cross will hold an In- t/Child CPR course tomorrow, a Standard 'irst Aid course on April 17, and another Infant/Child CPR course April 24. For more information, contact the American Red Cross at ext. 6210. The next Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) luncheon/meeting will be held Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Three Flags Club. Col. James Lauducci, (Ret) AFCEA Chapter Operations Director, will officially present the Iceland chapter charter and install the chapter’s officers. All members are re- quested, and encouraged to attend. For more information, contact LT Conoscenti at ext. 2780, or ET2 Dukeshire at ext. 7033, no later than Monday. The High School Advisory Committee elections will be held Thursday until April 23. For more information, contact Anne Allen at ext. 7400 or LT. Conoscenti at ext. 2780. ^^frd The NCTS Spouse’s Club is hosting a spring BBQ Friday, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the commu- nity center. Bring your favorite dish and e join the fun. Contact Katherine at ext. 84 for further details, rders for the summer carnival will be accepted by the commissary until Friday. Call ext. 4497 for more details. Poetry Corner - come out and enjoy local poets reading witty to dramatic material, April 21, at 8 p.m. in the station library. The A.T. Mahan Elementary School will be receiving new teachers for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in sponsor- ing a teacher, please call the elementary school at ext. 7412/7534. Flight opportunities in April April 10 UP-3 A to Germany and Upper Heyford, United Kingdom (one day trip) April 16 KC-135 to Plattsburgh, N.Y., 20 seats released April 17 UP-3A to Germany and Upper Heyford, United Kingdom (one day trip) April 17 Medivac to Lajes Field, Azores; Andrews AFB, Md„ McGuire AFB, N.J., seating TBA April 20 UP-3A to Norfolk, Va„ one day trip April 30 KC-135 to Plattsburgh, N.Y., 20 seats released For seating availability and specific times, contact Passenger Service at ext. 6319/2218 Windbreaker closes for renovation, improvements After 39 years of serving base residents meals in a warm, quiet atmosphere, the Windbreaker will cease operations on Mon- day to undergo a complete renovation. In work slated for completion by mid- August, the facility will house a “Cactus Cantina,” specializing inMexicanfastfood, and a “Parcheezi’s,” serving pizza and Ital- ian food. For sports enthusiasts, a sports bar will offer a cheery, lively atmosphere featuring sports memorabilia and a big screen television. “The decision to completly revamp the Windbreaker comes following various need-based studies taken over the course of the last year,” said Misty L. Orlove, Clubs Coordinator, Morale, Welfare and Recreation department. “The new facility is a positive step to- wards providing an entertainment alterna- tive for base residents. It will be a cheery place to have a good time,” she added. For the time being, the food services will be split between the Top of the Rock and the Three Rags Club. Saturday morning breakfast will be served at The Three Flags Club, with no change in price. The lunch and dinner service, as well as pizza, includ- ing delivery, will be handled by the Top of the Rock. Light Bytes... The Easter celebration By Fr. Leslie A. Colago iii # Easter is the day of the year when Chris- tians, all over the world, celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead. This fact of the Resurrection is the cornerstone of Christian- ity. For as St. Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians: “If Christ has not been raised, then empty is our preaching; empty, too, your faith.” (15:14) Easter can no more be separated from ood Friday than graduation day from disci- e and examinations, or the tightening of violin strings from the melody produced. There is some mysterious and intrinsic relationship between the cross and the empty tomb. On Good Friday, evil did its worst: it unshielded its sharpest sword and gained victory over love and righteousness. But, in this world, although evil has its hour, good- ness has its day. Having gone down to defeat, evil can never be wholly victorious again. Easter Sunday, therefore, is not just a miracle of the past, but a promise of the future. In its light, not decay but advance, not a pulling down but a reaching forward, be- comes the main characteristic of both man and history. The crown of thorns is the condition for the crown of glory. The tragedy of world is that there are so many escapists who run away from the condition of happiness; the joy of the world is that there are so many who achieve glory through discipline. For Without pain, there is no balm Without gall, there is no glory Without a thorn, there is no throne Without the cross, there is no crown. A community Easter sunrise service will be held at 7 a.m. Sunday, in the main Chapel. April 9,1993 5


The White Falcon

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