The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 16.04.1993, Síða 2

The White Falcon - 16.04.1993, Síða 2
A View from the top... Inside Naval Security Group Activity LCDR Raymond Lynch Commanding Officer, NSGA, Keflavfk In the history of the United States Navy, the work done by what we now know as the Naval Security Group reaches all the way back to 1916, when a “code and signal” sec- tion was included in the operations organiza- tion. There was some high frequency work done during World War I and expansion came slowly. Through the next three decades much attention was focused on Japan. Spe- cialized radio intelligence work was done in the old Asiatic Fleet at the Navy Radio Sta- tion in the consulate at Shanghai, at San Franciso and Bainbridge Island in Washing- ton state. There were some spectacular successes during those years. Because of the efforts of many pioneers, the “Communications Secu- rity Group” was established on March 11, 1935. A joint Army/Navy decision that year put “radio intelligence” with “communica- tions,” and thus the group was organized as a part of the Office of Naval Operations. Some 20 years later on July 1, 1958, the Chief of Naval Operations created the Naval Security Group Command. Today, there are approximately 54 com- mands under the direct control of the Com- mander, Naval Security Group Command. Additionally officers and CTs of the Naval Security group perform a wide variety of duties ashore, afloat and in the air. As part of the Naval Security Group, NSGA Keflavfk operates a High Frequency Direction Fin^ ing (HFDF) station in support of navigatiorB aid, search and rescue support and a commiS nications facility in support of tactical and communicationsrelay functions. As an HFDF station, NSGA Keflavfk is part of the Atlan- tic HFDF net under the operational control of CINCLANTFLT and is currently the number one station in the net. Our reputation and high ratings are a direct result of the hard working dedicated personnel assigned. I was told prior to departing Washington and com- ing to Iceland that this was one of the best stations in the Naval Security group and after getting here its easy to see why; the people and their commitments. Senior enlisted corner...climb the stairs to success By CTRCM (NAC) Clarence Blalock Command Master Chief, NSGA, Keflavfk He is so lucky, he gets all the breaks. Can you believe the number of schools she has been able to attend? How come they always get the good collateral duties? Look how fast they have been promoted. If only I had the opportunities they have had, it would have been different. Throughout our career we are asked to make choices. I look at these choices as opportunities. They are opportunities to enhance our professionalism, to further our education, and to make positive contribu- tions to the community. By taking advan- tage of opportunities, you control the breaks, you get the best collateral duties available, and you improve your chances for advance- ment. Each of us must make the best of every opportunity afforded us and not let them become missed opportunities. Essentially, every decision you make will have an impact on your career. When you elect to accept orders, you must consider the ramifications of breaking sea-shore rotation or taking a preferred shore duty over an Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridth6r Kr. Eydal Chief Petty Officer in Charge JOC Terry J. Bamlhouse isolated tour. When you elect to put forth minimal effort, or worse yet, not study for an advancement examination, you must under- stand how it will effect your opportunity for advancement. If you decide not to participate in a warfare specialty program, take on tough collateral duties, take advantage of off-duty education, or become involved in the com- munity you must be aware of how this will effect your performance/evaluations marks. There are many opportunities to enhance your career. Do not let them become missed opportunities. The concept of not allowing golden oppor- tunities to pass us by is not new. I have heard many inspirational speakers address this topic. I guess if I had to pick the predominate theme of each speaker, it would be that we are accountable for our own actions and must essentially take charge of our own careers. Reading a recent career counselor’s comer in our command’s Plan of the Week really hit the nail on the head. To surmise, with all the scheduled base closures and reduction force programs in effect, career-orient' individuals must strive for advanced tr; ing, rougher billets, be selective in selecting type duty assignment variations and sea-going billets to provide them with the extra com- petitive edge. Plan your future early. Do not let missed opportunities prevent you from having a successful career. 1 :W Get in the swing of things U.S. Savings Bonds will put you in the swing of things with a competitive market based rate, safety, tax privileges and ease of purchase. Ask about them where you bank or work. U.S. Savings Bonds The Great American investment Draftsman DM2 Danielle J. Kim Editor J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter" Casper Journalists J02 Carios Bongioanni J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The While Falcon is printed by the NAS Keflavfk Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Fleet Im- aging Command Detachment Keflavik. The While Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not nec- essarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital, status, physical handicap, or any other non-mei factor. The White Falcon is located in Bldg. 93' tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. Kit mm 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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