The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 23.04.1993, Blaðsíða 3

The White Falcon - 23.04.1993, Blaðsíða 3
T FYls (For Your Information) single parent support group is being lormed. The first meeting will be Monday at T>:30p.m. attheFSC. Call Ann Rogers at ext. 4401 for more information. The Christian Women’s Fellowship will hold its monthly meeting at 10 a.m. Monday at the Chapel of Light. Child care will be provided. Call Barb at ext. 2454 for more information. The High School Advisory Committee (SAC) will hold a meeting Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the school library. Come out and meet with your parent, student and teacher representa- tives in an open forum. For more information contact LT Conoscenti at ext. 4580 or Anne Allen at ext. 7400. Bubbles the clown will appear at the library for storytime Wednesday at 1 p.m. NAS Legal has new office hours due to a change in training times. It opens Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to noon. The Chapel of Light Free Chili Supper will be held Thursday for single, unaccompanied and Navy Lodge residents at 5:30 to 6 p.m. “To go” orders are available for duty person- nel by calling the USO at ext. 6113 from 3 to 5 p.m. The A.T. Mahan Elementary School will have a number of new teachers reporting to Iceland for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in sponsoring one of them, please call the elementary school at ext. 7412/ 7534. The PTSO BBQ/Auction, held each year to raise money for senior scholarships and school projects, will be held April 30 at the A. T. Mahan High School multi-purpose room. The food will be served at 5:30 p.m., fol- lowed by bidding on celebrity photos, major sports team and local command items at 7 p.m. “Head Tooth” Koffler will entertain as the auctioneer. Get something for your money and at the same time invest in the future of our youth. All Eagle Scouts are invited to attend Ben Lyte Bytes: The trappings By Chaplain Dennis Young There is an old Roman story which tells how one of the emperors was celebrating a triumph and was leading his victorious troops through the streets of Rome. The streets were crowded with people, and at one point on the route a platform had been erected from which the empress and the emperor’s family might see this scene. The route was lined with great tall Roman legionaries fully armed. When the proces- sion was near the platform where the empress and the children were, the emperor’s little son jumped down off the platform, burrowed his way through the crowd and was just about to run in to the road to intercept his father’s imperial chariot. One of the legionaries who was lining the road, picked him up and held him. “You can’t run out there,” he said. “Don’t you know who that is? Who is about to ride by? That’s the emperor. You can’t run out to him.” The little lad laughed at the legionary. “He may be your emperor, but he’s my fa- ther.” This kind of event has a two-way effect. It is the loveliest thing in the world to have someone who likes you and loves you and knows you for what you are, and who never Rayburg’s Eagle Court of Honor May 1 at 8 p.m. at the Chapel of Light. Call ext. 7110 AWH for more information. The second annual stuffed animal pet show will be May 8 at 10 a.m. in the library. Bring your favorite stuffed animal and be sure to put it on a leash or in a cage. Event is open to children of all ages. Call ext. 7323 for more information. The base lost and found, maintained by the Naval Air Station, Keflavik’s, Physical Se- curity Division, has numerous bicycles, shoes, rings, watches and other items that have yet to be claimed. Contact Petty Officer Perry at ext. 2642 for more details. Postal Tip Q: What types of tapes used on pack- ages are acceptable for mailing? A: Strong filament polyproplyene or paper tape. Cellophane and masking tapes are not acceptable. even thinks of the labels and values the world puts on you. But in the second place, there is something else which is much more alarming. When you take off the labels, when you take off the disguises, when you take off the importance which the world attaches to you, what is really left? Who is the real person beneath them all? Try asking yourself this question. What are we when stripped of everything except ourselves? That is the way God sees us. He sees us stripped of the externals and the labels the world attaches to us. And that is just exactly the way we ought to consider what we are doing with life. Alcohol awareness (continued from page 2) grows, and he becomes both physically and psychologically dependent on it. The phenomenon of tolerance to alcohol has been recognized but not understood. Tolerance is a condition in which it takes increasingly large amounts of alcohol to produce the same effect previously felt at lower levels of alcohol intake. Many re- ^archers believe that alcohol tolerance is a P.ocess of adaptive metabolism by which the cells of the body continuously develop a capability to metabolize increased amounts of alcohol. Still, others suggest that it is merely a process whereby the central nerv- ous system adapts to the alcohol that is pres- ent. Therefore, it is believed much of the tolerance is due to the learned ability to adjust to alcohol’s physical effects on space, vision, and gait. Observations of the day-by-day behavior of drunks suggest it is possible to diminish the outward signs of intoxication even though blood alcohol levels remain constant. It is also noted that the reason for the loss of tolerance in the first stages of alcoholism is the permanent damage caused due to loss of cells that control these outward signs of tol- erance. We should keep in mind the human brain contains 13 to 60 billion brain cells. Ten thousand of these cells are completely destroyed each time a person becomes in- toxicated. Alcohol is a number one killer, a drug at large. A Family Alcohol Education Program will be offered at the C AAC office Monday, from 8 a.m. to noon. For more information call ext. 7688. April 23,1993 3


The White Falcon

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