The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 07.05.1993, Page 1

The White Falcon - 07.05.1993, Page 1
HITE FALCON Icelandic phrase of the week: Will you help me? Viltu hjalpa m£r? (Vil-too he-owl-paw mare) Vol. 52 No. 18 May 7,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community Beyond Tailhook RADM Marsha Evans, Executive Di- rector for the Secretary of the Navy’s (SECNAV) Standing Committee on Military and Civilian Women in the Department of the Navy, will provide a 90 minute briefing Monday in Andrew’s Theater. The briefing will cover the | status of the committee’s 80 recommen- dations to the SECNAV and their im- plementation. All active duty and civil- ian Navy personnel are welcome to at- [ tend one of three briefings scheduled at | 8:30 a.m., 10:15 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. cnar New hours at NEX Starting this Sunday, the Navy Ex- change main store will provide an extra of service to its customers. In addi- to its normal Tuesday through Satur- fy service, the main store will open its doors every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. li A group from NAS Keflavik experience the Icelandic countryside during a pony trekking excursion last weekend. The USO is sponsoring another outing tomorrow. The tour group will leave from the USO at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $8 for transportation and $30 to ride a pony. Call ext. 6113 for more information. (Photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni) Navy changes body fat policy, outlines separation directives Tuition Assistance The Air Force Education Office is accepting spouse tuition assistance forms until May 19. Call ext. 2698 for details. “I’ll takeTrivia for a 1,000, Alex.” Question: Where can I find information on this weekend’s Jeopardy Contestant Search? The office of the Chief of Naval Opera- tions recently announced that the “Ovcrfat” category has been eliminated from the Health and Physical Readiness Program. The terms ‘overfat’ and ‘obese’ are no longer used for administrative purposes. The maximum allowable body fat (BF) is 22 percent for males and 30 percent for females. Anyone measuring in excess of these levels will be considered out of stan- dards and will be referred to an authorized medical department representative for a de- termination of exercise risk and clearance to participate in the physical readiness test and remedial program. Body fat measurements will be taken no more than 10 days prior to the semi-annual physical readiness test (PRT). These BF measurements are the only ones considered toward processing for administrative separa- tion. Failure to participate in scheduled BF measurements will be considered a failure of the PRT cycle. Members with medical waivers who fail to participate in BF measurements when di- rected will also fail the PRT cycle, except in the case of pregnancy waivers. Administrative separation from the mili- tary may occur when: a member fails the readiness test in any three PRT cycles within a four-year period; a member fails to meet the BF standards in any three PRT cycles within four years; or when a member fails a combi- nation of BF standards or the readiness test on any three PRT cycles within a four-year period. For more information, read NAV ADMIN 71/93. Notable “The greatest undeveloped territory in the world Quotable lies under your hat.” Anonymous


The White Falcon

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