The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 09.07.1993, Blaðsíða 1

The White Falcon - 09.07.1993, Blaðsíða 1
Vol. 52 No. 27 July 9, 1995 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community Icelandic phrase of the week: May I have a menu? Get 6g fengid matsedillnn Git e-egg fin-gith mat-seth-ilin Seat belts All base personnel are re- minded that seat belts must be worn while driving in Ice- land. Icelandic police will is- sue tickets if eitherthe driver or passengers are not wear- ing seat belts. Fines run as high as 5,000 Kronur. Cash or Check? To betterserve the customer, N EX/Wendy’s now accepts checks only in one desig- nated line. Purchases made at any other line must be )aid with cash. Commissary sale Until July 17, at least 99 dif- ferent items will be marked at discount prices during the annual Community Appre- ciation Sale at the Commis- sary. News in English Icelandic radio keeps Eng- lish speaking travelers in- formed during the summer months. Every morning at 8:30, news and weather are broadcast in English on FM channels 93.5 and 92.4. Also, by dialing 91-693690, 24-houranswering service Rives the latest weather bul- letin in English. .White Falcon Representatives from theYouth Center were among the hundreds who took part in the Inde- pendence Day Parade held Friday. See page 4 for more of last week-end’s Fourth of July activities. (Photo by PH2 Dave Dinfuntorum) Avoid customs violations By SN Sam Steinline It’s summer time again. More and more people are venturing out into the Icelandic countryside, but unfortunately, an increasing number of base personnel are getting stopped at the gate and fined for customs violations. A few simple precautions will prevent your trip off base from becoming a costly one. Pamphlets on customs laws are available at the Provost Marshal ’ s office, located in the AirTerminal. These informational hand-outs list the quantity of items you may take off base and those prohibited from taking off base. The biggest problem with customs viola- tions may not be what you think. “Many people drive straight up to the gate, and try to declare their items,’’explained Inspector Bjorn Svensson. “This automatically makes what they have contraband.” To avoid any problems, you must pull over to what is called the red zone, which is located in front of the guard house just ahead of the main gate. Here, the Icelandic police will make sure you are not in violation of any customs regulations. Remember, once you are off base, Icelandic police do not need a reason to stop you, and it is much better to be safe than sorry. Base roads upgraded A number of streets on Naval Air Station (NAS), Kefiavik, will be paved in upcoming days. As a result, the main gate for the base will be closed from approximately 6 p.m. Monday until 8 a.m. Thursday. All traffic will be re-routed through gate two, the Njardvik gate. The intersection near the Esso crossing will be paved today and will reopen to traffic Saturday at approximately 8 a.m. All traffic for the airfield will be rerouted around the NEX Laundry Facility. The Viking Road, from the Chapel to the end of the Hobby Center, Bldg. 773, will close today at approximately 6 p.m. and reo- pen 8 a.m. Saturday. Viking Road, from Bldg. 773 to Bldg. 748, will be closed Monday from approximately 6 p.m. until 8 a.m. Wednesday. For more infor- mation, call ext. 2111.


The White Falcon

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