The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 20.08.1993, Qupperneq 2

The White Falcon - 20.08.1993, Qupperneq 2
■#» f •f CAPT Tom Butler, Commanding Officer, NAS, Keflavik The purpose, vision and values of NAS, Keflavi Strategic planning is the process by which the leadership of an organization envision its future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. The Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles state- ment for Naval Air Station (NAS), Keflavik reflect the purpose, future vision and basic values of our organization. They represent our initial strategic planning efforts. In order for any organization embarking on the transformational journey towards T otal Quality, the organization must establish goals which will enable them to reach their vision of a quality organization. The N AS, Keflavik, Executive Steering Committee has established the following strategic goals and strategies to achieve them: — We will fully integrate the military and civilian defense force by fostering an under- standing of international cultures, ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs. We will focus on integrating involvement through consistent education and training for all per- sonnel. We will create realistic exercise sce- narios that incorporate military, civilian and reserve personnel. We will include all per- sonnel in operational plans. — We will safeguard the environment by promoting community awareness, expand- ing and promoting recycling programs and reducing the inventory and use of hazardous materials. We will apply modem technology in all waste collection and disposal systems. We will support DoD and Icelandic environ- mental regulations and policies and work pro-actively with local and other competent authorities to implement environmental pro- grams. — We will achieve a quality of life that attracts and retains talented and dedicated people, allowing every opportunity for pro- fessional development and personal excel- lence by fully implementing Total Quality Leadership in our corporate culture and man- agement philosophy. We will improve qual- ity and efficiency of training for our person- nel and foster an environment of teamwork and professional excellence among our workforce. We will create an atmosphere which promotes an initial and lasting positive impression about NAS, Keflavik. We will continuously improve quality of life within our working and living environment by in- stilling a sense of ownership and personal responsibility in our military and civilian workforce. We will also promote and empha- size all aspects of safety. — We will be customer oriented by devel- oping a communication system which will keep our customers informed of emerging service-related issues. We will improve inter- nal processes to better serve our customers and develop methods to enhance our respon- siveness to issues raised by our customers. We will provide Total Quality Service train- ing for all military and civilian personnel and conduct periodic customer surveys to meas- ure our effectiveness. — We will optimize our resource utiliza- tion by improving efficiency through auto- mation and consolidation of redundant sys- tems. We will streamline and consolidate activity functions, facilities, equipment and reports to the maximum extent permissable. We will plan priorities for efficient resource utilization and appropriately size and align the structure for optimization. The NAS, Keflavik, goals provide strate- gic guidance for the development of support- ing action plans throughout the organization. The Executive Steering Committee is con- tinuing its strategic planning efforts by iden- tifying the critical processes which will sup- pert the accomplishment of the strategic goals. Deploying the strategic plan and developing supporting plans are essential steps that link and help to integrate strategic planning with the management of day-to-day operations. Anyone who has participated in strategic planning will tell you it’s hard work, but in the current economic climate and “right-siz- ing” environment, we must continue to opti- mize our resources and work together to accomplish the mission. One focus, one direction — to provide reliable, continually improving host support services to the U.S. / NATO force personnel assigned to or operaM ing from Naval Air Station, Keflavik. VSfl envision ourselves as a model military com! munity, in which each individual’s well-being will assure their full range of personal, social and proffessional development in order to fully support the mission of their respective commands. In memory... Ms. Sigridur Hjartardottir, Food Service Worker at the Naval Air Station, Keflavik Supply Department since Feb- ruary, 1988, died August 5, 1993, at the age of 56 in the Keflavik hospital. Ms. Hjartardottir is survived by five sons and daughters. TiieWhite Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Pridthdr Kr. Eydal Draftsman DM2 Danielle J. Kim Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalist J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The WhiteFalcon is printed by theNAS Keflavik Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Fleet Imaging Command Detachment Keflavik. The White Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defen se Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital sums, physical handicap, or any other non-merit factor. The WhiteFalcon is located in Bldg. 936, tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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