The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 20.08.1993, Side 3

The White Falcon - 20.08.1993, Side 3
QL welcome aboard video now available London, England (NENS)—The Chief of Naval Operation’s Total Quality Leadership Office has just released a videotape entitled “TQL Welcome Aboard.” The 26 minute tape highlights real-life Navy examples of TQL in action. Personal interviews with a wide cross-section of Naval personnel being made in applying and/or adapting the principles and practices of TQL. The tape is being distributed through major subordinate commands within NAVEUR. Additional copies of the one-half inch VHS tape are available from the NAVEUR Fleet Quality Improvement Office upon request. Secretary of Defense orders study Defense Secretary Les Aspin has ordered a Department of De- fense-wide study of first-term enlistment issues as a result of a recent Marine Corps policy to keep married people from enlisting in the service. Aspin directed the Marine Corps to withdraw the policy Aug. 12, after it was issued by Marine Corps Commandant Carl E. Mundy, Jr. Mundy had directed recruiters to stop enlisting married recruits after Sept. 30, 1995. He said “Far too many” young Marines have failed marriages. Aspin said each service and department would be represented in the “comprehensive, systemic study of first-term enlistment issues.” Naval Institute to sponsor essay contest k Annapolis, MD (U. S. Naval Institute) — The U. S. Naval Institute is pleased to announce entries are being accepted for its 10th annual Arleigh Burke Essay Contest. While only the tenth year to be called the Arleigh Burke Essay Contest, this year marks the 114th consecu- tive year that the Naval Institute has sponsored this major essay contest. Three essays will be selected for prizes. Anyone is eligible to enter and win. First prize earns $3,000, a gold medal and a life membership in the Naval Institute. First Honorable Mention wins $2,000 and a silver medal. Second Honorable Mention wins $1,000 and a bronze medal. Essays must relate to “The advancement of professional, literary, and scientific knowledge in the naval and maritime services, and the advancement of the knowledge of sea power.” Entries should be postmarked on or before Dec. 1,1993 and directed to Publisher, U. S. Naval Institute, 118 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD 21402. For more information on format and essay guidelines, write the above address. Talks continue American military and State Department officials met with Icelandic Government officials in Reykjavik on August 6, as part of an on-going consultation process regarding the future posture of the Iceland Defense Force and die Keflavlk base. The consultations, which started last year, will continue. No details will be publicized until the talks are completed. USO President visits Keflavik The United Services Organization’s (USO) worldwide President, Chapman B. Cox, recently visited Naval Air Sta- tion, Keflavlk, for a few days, while en route to Europe. He was scheduled to attend an opening ceremony of a new USO in Berlin, Germany. “This is my first visit to Iceland and quite frankly, I’m favorably impressed with what I’ve seen,” said Cox. “It ranks with the best.” As chief executive officer of the 52- year-old organization, Cox is in charge of overseeing 170 USOs worldwide, 85 being in the United States. On the topic of force reductions and today’s military drawdows, Cox was quick to point out the USO’s ever expanding organization. “As bases worldwide close, there continues to be a constant demand for USO services. Right, Cox answers questions during an interview. (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) Brotherly love ,1 V-' By Chaplain Jerry Vlntinner A delightful Jewish legend concerns two others who lived side by side in the Holy id. The older brother was the head of a large family, the younger brother was a bache- lor. One night, the older brother lay awake thinking: “My brother lives alone and does not have the companionship of a wife, or chil- dren to cheer his heart like I have. While he sleeps, I will take some of my sheaves of wheat into his field.” At that same hour, the younger brother also lay awake reasoning: “My brother has a large family and his needs are greater than mine. As he sleeps, I will take some of my sheaves of wheat and carry them into his field.” Thus, the two brothers went out, each laden with wheat, seeking to surprise and bless the other. In the moonlight they met at the dividing line of their two fields, and realized their similiar intentions. Laughing together, they put down their sheaves of wheat and hugged each other. Then they sat down in the moonlight and shared memories of their childhood, playing in these same fields. The legend goes on to say: God chose this very area as the site for the Jerusalem Temple. And, that God chose to place the altar on the very spot where these brothers laughed, embraced and shared their memories. August 20,1993 3


The White Falcon

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