The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 24.09.1993, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 24.09.1993, Blaðsíða 4
 | autos home tms mess t Volvo military salas—Find out how to buy a Volvo, tax free. Call Mr. Emilsson at ext. 9-14622. 92 GMC Sonoma Pickup—4WD, many extras. Asking $15,900. Call Jack at ext. 4603/2299. 92 Lada—3,000 mi., four snow tires, inspect, good until 95. Asking $4,000. Call ext. 2206/2369. 90 Chevy S10 Pickup — Low mileage, bedliner, cap, extra tires. Asking $7,000. Call LCDR Lynch at ext. 7525/4748. 90 Lada — Insur. good until Mar. 94, inspect, until Apr. 94. Spare and studded tires. Asking $2,500, OBO. Call ext. 7111. 89 Cougar LS — Leather interior, power everything. Asking $9,300, OBO. Call Eric at ext. 7421/6166. 87 Nissan Pathfinder—4WD, V6,studdedtires,58,000 mi. Avail. Oct. 15. Asking $9,000. Call ext. 2312. 86 Jeep Cherokee — 4WD, rebuilt V6, insur. and inspection good until Mar. 94. Asking $5,700, OBO. Call ext. 7766. 86 Suzuki — 4WD, recent tune-up. Asking $4,200. Call Beverly at ext 2115/9-12982. 85 Toyota Mini van — Telephone and more. Asking $5,000. Call Jose/Amalia at ext. 6326. 79 Datsun 310 — Asking $500, OBO. Call ext. 7633/ 7514. B for sale____________________________________ Computer — IBM 286, printer, software. Asking $500, OBO. Call R. Eck at ext. 4222. Diamond Solitaire — One-half carat, round, 14 carat gold setting. Asking $1,050. Call ext. 7516. New Fine Bone English China — Royal Grafton "Vice- roy.' Setting for six, 42-piece silver set. Asking $1,000, firm. Call ext. 2993. Freezer — 10 cu. ft., $300. Variety of plants, $1 - $25. Call James/Terdry at ext. 7722 AWH. Nintendo games — Call ext. 4724 after 4 p.m. Slide — Large, 7'x4', $60. Hide-a-bed free w/cover purchase, $110. Full-size bed, mattress, box springs, $150. Call ext. 2653, leave msg. Living room set — four piece, powder blue. Asking $450, OBO. Call Tim at ext. 2501 DWH, 7091 AWH. B miscellaneous_______________________________ Car Wash — Rocky Roaders are having a car wash/ bake and hot dog sale at the PWD wash rack, Sat from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Can Do Cakes — Sheet cakes, all occasions, all sizes, prices. Call Bridgit at ext. 6029. Create-a-Cake/Rent-a-pan — Cakes, all occasions. Made to order/make your own. Call Nena at ext. 4825/ 8a.m.-9 p.m. Jan's decorated cakes — Cakes, all sizes, all occa- sions, homemade candies. Call ext. 6153. Marilo's Cakes — Cakes, all sizes, all occasions. Call Maria at ext. 7567. Michelle’s Bakery—Bagels, pita, pretzels, loaf breads. To order call ext. 7077. Thai food — Leave the cooking to Wahn. New hoursl Tue.-Sat., 5 to 8 p.m. Call ext. 7170. Assembly by Bob — If you’ve tried to assemble some- thing and can't or don’t want to, call me at ext. 4948. BMW/Europacar — All foreign makes, models avail- able. Call George at 9-91-658872. Body waxing by Lee — Professional removal of un- wanted hair. Leave msg. at ext 6055. Cleaning service — Guaranteed to pass inspection. Need weekly cleaning? Call Linda at ext. 7176 after 6 p.m. Clocks — Made,cleaned, repaired. Free estimate. Call Bill at ext. 4717 before 9 p.m. Fax Service — Get it there fasti Fax it in minutes. Call Scott/Kymm at ext. 4094. Confidential. Guitar lessons — Beginners to intermediate students, nights, days. Call Scott at ext. 4813. Handmade crafts — Shelves, puzzles, stained glass, needlework, hand-knit items. Call Paul/Lynn at ext. 2721. Haircuts and perms — For everyone, by licensed cosmetologist. Call Lisa at ext. 6087. Need a going away gift?—I was framed I Let me frame a composite of Icelandic souvenirs foryoul Call Jerry at ext. 6735. Manning Photography — The holidays are getting close, get those family pictures taken. “Picture greeting cards’ avail. Call Matt at ext. 2650. Salt/Fresh Water Fishing Guide Service — Rods, reels, bait, tackle. Call Tony Mon.-Fri., at ext. 7719/Larry at ext. 6782 AWH. Weekends - gone fishing! Styles by Stephanie —Hair care for entire family by licensed cosmetologist. Call ext. 4085. Tired of housecleaning? — Weekly cleaning, reason- able rates. Call Lisa at ext. 7123. TV Rental — Color TVs for rent by day/month. Call Bob at ext. 4066. personals Lordy, Lordy Look Who's 401 — Happy Birthday AC1 (AW) Wanda Peacockl E birth announcements Gavin Ryan Johnson was born Sept. 2 at 6:21 p.m. to Alanna M. and Gerard M. Johnson. Daulton Christopher Alan Bryant was bom Sept. 2 at 7:35 p.m. to Alice E. Johnson and Christopher L. Bryant Garrett Richard Stlefken was born Sept. 4 at 7:42 p.m. to Kerri L. and Charles E. Stiefken. Taylor Xavier McNaney was bom Sept. 7 at 7:52 p.m. to Tara M. and Kyle X. McNaney. Steven Xavier Pavlik II was born Sept. 8 at 7:21 p.m. to Alma V. and Steven X. Pavlik. v sr , * v * $•>* c’VS V} <>* >\>• {■ <■' < {•>vVc-' \S y\ } f »>■' < i’ $ v' ; 51. \ > ,U ;> i 5 I v £ •• v ' * $.• v ? If you are authorized by the U.S. Naval Air Station Legal Office to operate a home busi- ness on base you may advertise your serv- ices, free of charge, in The White Falcon. T o submit your home business in the Clas- sified Ads, you must bring a copy of your au- thorization letter to The White Falcon office, located in Bldg.936. The office is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m .-5 p.m. Deadline for ads is Thursday at noon one week prior to the following week's edition. Due to space limitations on some issues home business ads should be limited to three or four lines and will be rotated on a weekly basis. To ensure an ad will be printed It must be resubmitted every three weeks or it will betaken out. If you expect to PCS soon please contact The White Falcon staff at ext. 4612 so that the ad will be removed from circulation. M lost & found_____________________ NAS Security — If you have lost something recently, call ext. 2642 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. Postal Tip l Mail must weigh less than 16 ounces to be mailed at the third-class rate of postage. Hold on, baby! Leroy Fox of the NCTS Commkeggers has a hard time holding on to the ball as Keith Black of the 35th Security Police Eagles stops to consider how the ball got past him. The Commkeggers came close to defeat- ing the Eagles in Monday night’s game, when they scored the game’s first touch down with less than two minutes left to play. However, the undefeated Eagles didn’t give up and scored back to back touch downs within a span of one minute to clench the game. The season ends this weekend and playoffs will start shortly thereafter. (Photo by JO{ Carlos Bongioanni) A w 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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