The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Blaðsíða 9

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Blaðsíða 9
Traditional sod house gives look into Iceland’s past Story and photos by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter In a country where groves of trees the height of humans are known as forests and fields are blanketed by volcanic rock forma- tions instead of grass, the thought of how early Icelandic inhabitants built a house can be puzzling. Now, a recently reconstructed sod farm- Helga demonstrates combing of natural wool. touse in the town of Njardvik offers clues to the past and an interesting variety of storical facts for visitors. Located within a mile of the main gate, and clearly visible from the highway to Reykj avfk, the tiny dwelling is open on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., weather permitting. The sod house, also referred to as the Museum of Njardvik, took three months to rebuild during the summer of 1993. Accord- ing to Helga Oskarsdottir, curator of the museum, the fifteen workmen were able to use many of the original stones, after un- earthing them from the grassy field covering the ruins. “The original sod house at this site was built in 1856. The family used the traditional style of a rock foundation, cut and stacked sod walls, and a wood beam roof covered with sod,” Helga recounted. The original family, including their seven children, lived at the site for nearly 30 years. In 1917, the ruins of the original structure were found and the house was rebuilt, probably using the same rocks, as any additional building materi- als were scarce. Photos on the walls identify some of the in- habitants over the years. “It is interest- ing to note that there are some 400 people in Njardvik and neighboring Keflavik today related to the origi- nal family that lived here,” she said. This close-knit atmosphere The foundation and fence were built from readily available rock. was common all around Iceland, where a combination of severe weather and very short seasons kept people confined to farms. The opportunities to leave were not available and people were generally comfortable with what they had. Even as the population expanded and more areas of Iceland became inhabited, emerging towns remained small. Helga thinks of the Njardvik sod house as an excellent way for people to leam about Icelandic culture from over a century ago. The house can be opened for special occa- sions or group visits during the week. Once off base, follow the main road, turn left at the Shell station and then immediately right at the stop sign. A gravel road leads to the front of the building. For special weekday tours, or to leam more about the museum, call Helga at (9)13361. A.T. Mahan students show true colors during spirit week By Helga Burns * The halls of the A.T. Mahan High School were alive with fashions that harked back to another era last week. Imitation hippies strode through the halls, participating in what is known as “Spirit Week.” During the week-long event, students dressed up as “oppo- sites”, gangsters and costumes that featured class colors. Elon Jenkins said, “I liked Gangster Day best because it let me act out my fantasy as a wise guy-” The purpose of Spirit Week is get the kids to support the iooI’s volleyball and soccer Teams. It’s a way of highlighting Helene Federici, Elon Jenkins and Brendon Gmyrick display some of their '60s-era fashions worn during Hippie Day last week. interest in the school’s sports program and enhancing morale,” said Amber Atkinson, Student Counsel Sponsor at A.T. Mahan. Spirit Week included the popu- lar Homecoming get together, when students show as much support as possible for their school’s football team. Well, at A.T. Mahan, it’s the soccer team, since the school does not have a football team. On the day of the pep rally, it was hard not to feel the excite- ment and anticipation that the students and faculty felt The classes performed their chants to earn as many points as possible towards the Spirit Stick. The noise resulted in a tie between the seniors and sophomores. After repeating their chants once more, the sophomores walked away with the much coveted Spirit Stick. Rounding off the fashion dis- plays, camaraderie and general high spirits of the week, was the Homecoming Dance at the Three Flags Club. October 22,1993 9


The White Falcon

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