The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 05.11.1993, Side 4

The White Falcon - 05.11.1993, Side 4
Four wheelers on a quest to lend a hand Story and photos by J02 Carlos Bongioanni It was a bitterly cold morning. If not the early hour, the sleet and strong gusts of wind were reason enough to stay bundled up inside. Yet, oddly enough, a group of American service members from Naval Air Station Keflavfk were building a fence, and of all things, they were doing it on their day off! Members of the Arctic Quest Club have put in more than 450 volunteer man hours over the past four to five months in helping a drug and alcohol re-hab center, The Krusavfk Association, with much needed repairs. The Arctic Quest Club is primarily a four-wheel drive off-road vehicle group which has as its main interest the exploration of Iceland. So,why are they helping with a drug re-hab center? Well, there’s a trade off according to club President, E02 Jim S treicher. “In exchange for services, we wanted connections with Icelanders who could show us Using a front-end loader, Arctic Quest members easily drive stakes for the fence. MSgt. Littrell determines the placement offence poles by line of sight. around Iceland,” explained Streicher. “In addition, it’s great meeting people instead of just sitting on base. By getting off base we’re also giving the Icelandic nationals an idea of what base people are really like.” Cees Meyles and Tineke Koers, the caretakers of the re-hab center in Krusavik, are from Holland and have been working intensely to fix up the center so it can accomplish what it’s designed to do. However, there were some projects that were practically impossible for the Dutch to do by themselves. But through a series of events, members of the base community heard about the needs of the center and offered their help. “At first, it was difficult for me to accept help from the Americans, because I’m a pacifist,” remarked Meyles. “However, it has been a very positive experience. The help has been a big encouragement to us. The negative image I had of America and its people has changed because of the in- volvement.” The Arctic Quest volunteers were asked to tackle three major projects for the cen- ter before winter set in. The biggest and most important job was the extensive repair made to the center’s stable wall which was falling apart. The group also brouj» equipment to help cut away metai frdH some dilapidated buildings. The stru? tures were a hazard, especially in times of high winds. The final project of putting a fence around the perimeter of the Center’s prop- erty was needed to keep grazing sheep from entering the grounds in trie summer when farmers let their sheep run free. The caretakers want to begin cultivat- ing the land so the center’s patients can be totally self-sufficient in years to come. For the members of the Arctic Quest Club, helping out has been a fulfilling endeavor. “They need the help, and we have the skills,” noted club member LT Jack Conrad. “Helping out strengthens American/Icelandic relations. Also when you do something for someone who needs it, it gives you a ‘warm fuzzy’ feeling.” A journalist takes a wild ride, lives out a dream By J03 (SW) Andreas Walter For years I’ve longingly flipped through the pages of automotive magazines, filling my head with trivia that, to others, might seem droll, uninteresting and, frankly, boring. My dreams have been laced with images of flinging overpowered, rear-engined Porsches through winding coun- try roads, letting my right foot determine my ultimate destiny. Simply being behind the wheel of an exotic car with miles upon miles of highways and nary a radar- wielding policeman in sight would have sufficed. T wenty minutes on a rare sunny afternoon last week turned my thoughts into reality. While fol- lowing up on last week’s article about Dunlop’s tire testing on the base, I drove to where the com- pany had set up their temporary track. There I was greeted with clearing skies, a slight Iceland! breeze and the very sweet w] of a BMW straight-six engi being wound to the utmost limits See RIDE on page 6 ndi^^^ hi£ H 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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