The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 05.11.1993, Blaðsíða 5

The White Falcon - 05.11.1993, Blaðsíða 5
AWARDS : For Wilson it's as easy as 1,2,3 Story and photo by J02 (AW) Natalie Dias AMS 1 (AW) John R. Wilson of the Coun- seling and Assistance Center (CAAC) should be accustomed to receiving awards. He was selected as Senior Military Member of the Quarter. Then he was selected as Senior Military Member of the Year 1992. Now he is also a recipient of the USO/General Dy- namics Community Service Award. “Helping others makes me feel good,” said Wilson. “I don’t see myself doing anything out of the ordinary.” Besides being a Drug and Alcohol Couselor at CAAC, Wilson is an American Red Cross instructor, a volunteer Red Cross caseworker, instructor for the Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist Program, and is involved with the Midnight Sun group of Alcoholics Anony- mous held Friday nights in Reykjavik. His dedication to helping others not only led to his selection as Senior Military Mem- ber of the Y ear, but also to his nomination for the community service award by the Iceland Defense Force this September. The USO/ General Dynamic final selection board looked at packages from all over the world and chose a winner from each branch of service. Wilson was notified Oct 23. “It was the morning of the Navy Ball. It was a great way to start the day,” he said. Secretary of Defense Les A spin will pres- ent Wilson and the other winners with then- awards at the USO’s 7th Annual Christmas Celebration on Dec. 2. The USO is providing winners and a guest with roundtrip transpor- tation and a suite at the Hilton and Towers in Washington D.C. The celebration will also be held at the Hilion and Towers. Wilson said that he would be taking his wife with him. He said they are not only excited about the award, but are also eagerly anticipating being back in the United States. “It’s been a long time. I can’t wait,” he said. “I’m a recovering alcoholic, and there was a time in my career when I was struggling and the community service people helped me," Wilson said. "Now helping others helps me. Wilson works with Alcoholics Anonymous. I probably get more out of helping people than the people ihat I help.” A newcomer’s first impressions and observations JOl David W. Crenshaw As the new kid on the block, arriving here at what has been described as Iceland’s bleak- est time of the year, you would think that I’d have been overwhelmed by how dismally my tour in Iceland has kicked off. Maybe I’m the type who’s heard “a tour is what you make it” one too many times, but I’m still not de- pressed. Consider this an open letter to the barracks rats who hide in their caves on weekends and moan that there is nothing to do in Iceland, and that services here are lackluster. Some people just don’t know when they’ve got it so good. Okay, so only a duck could enjoy the drizzly rain that has greeted us, even Charlie Brown could fly a kite in this wind (not to mention the lack of kite-eating trees), and the commissary doesn’t stock the four hundred varieties of com flakes I was used to back in Norfolk. But these are all things I expected. Ever since I stepped off the Rotator two weeks ago, however, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the many things I didn’t expect. For one, I did not expect to be greeted by my entire shop when my plane touched down, nor did I expect them to have stocked my kitchen so I would not have to go shopping. Above and beyond is apparently the motto of the Keflavik sponsorship program. I wasn’t expecting a bus to come by my quarters every 40 minutes, drop me off at my office after only a five minute ride, and an- other one to take me home that afternoon. In Naples, Italy, a bus ride from housing to base was an hour long, the bus ran every two hours, and it was still a fifteen minute walk from the stop to my office. Norfolk’s public transportation system wasn’t much better. Okay, so the community here is small. I prefer cozy. Small bases, I’ve found, have more of a sense of family than their larger counterparts. There is more of a sense of bonding that happens and stronger friend- ships made among a few hundred people than several thousand because there is iess oppor- tunity to get lost in the crowd. I guess some people have trouble seeing the forest for the trees, which is funny here considering the lack of trees obstructing the view. And oh, what a view! Sometimes, we need to all stop what we’re doing and look across the bay into the mountains to appreci- ate the beauty of this country. Even if you’re stranded on the base, you can still enjoy the panorama. Maybe it’s just “new-guy eagerness,” but so far, Keflavik has the potential to be my best tour yet. There isn’t any reason why it can’t be your best tour, as well. But the attitude adjustment begins inside... Ar ^^s to ^PTnd, Another alternative to turning to the bottle turn to a friend or acquaintance. The ts of caring and concern are long lasting don’t dry-up after the bottle is empty. Although reaching out involves risk, it’s im- portant to remember risk-taking guarantees Con tinued from page 3 realness, because it sparks ii rner feelings. leave Us as king the question, “What’s miss- Lastly, an alcohol abuser body with alcohol by tumin can loosen their g his/her atten- ing?” tion to the livelihood of ano ther. It is in the giving we receive, and in doing good deeds for others, we entertain the likelihood of forgetting our own problems. By doing so, alcohol will maintain less control over the individual and offer a newfound freedom to explore more rewarding endeavors. The bottom line is this: Alcohol abuse is not a solution to a problem but is a problem in itself. It takes and does not give back to the individual. Individuals who have lost a sense of “realness” due to substance abuse, should know help is available. Best wishes to you for a Merry Christmas and a fun and safe New Year’s Eve. For additional information or assistance on alco- hol abuse contact CAAC at ext. 7688/7333. November 5,1993 5


The White Falcon

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