The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 12.11.1993, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 12.11.1993, Blaðsíða 4
armed forces news briefs Maternity clothing vouchers available Washington (AFNS) — A maternity clothing issue voucher will replace the cash allowance given to pregnant Air Force enlisted woman starting Nov. 1 . Air Force uniform division officials said the fiscal 1994 maternity clothing allowance is $231.25 and mandatory items will cost $ 117.60. The remaining $113.65 can be spent on optional maternity clothing. Looking at different combinations, officials said woman may incur a “slight” out-of-pocket expense. Also, if a woman chooses clothing that costs less than the voucher amount, she forfeits the balance of the voucher, officials said. To obtain a voucher, a woman should take her Air Force form 422, physical profile serial report, to her orderly room after it is signed by a doctor or certified practitioner. The orderly room will issue an Air Force form 656 on which maternity items to be issued by the military clothing sales store must be indicated. First Sergeants will verify that mandatory items are checked on the form. The member may then choose any maternity uniform conductive to her job. Items not available will be ordered and charged to her account. Partial issues will not be allowed on the voucher when items are backordered, officials said. A copy of the form 656 will be placed in the member’s military pay records and she will not be eligible for another maternity clothing allowance for three years. VA offers benefits handbook Washington (NNS) — Each year, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) publishes a book entitled “Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents.” This year’s 105-page handbook describes benefits such as medical care, education, disability compensation, pension, life insurance, home loan guaranty, vocational rehabilitation and burial assistance. It explains requirements for eligibility and outlines claims proce- dures, and includes a state-by-state directory of all VA offices, medical centers and other VA facilities. For copies, request GPO stock number 051 -000-00-200-8 from the superintendent of documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, and enclose a check or money order for $3.25 per copy. To order with VISA or Mastercard, call (202) 783- 3238. submitted as early as 18 months prior. Requests to withdraw or defer fleet reserve applications are not normally approved and are limiti to special circumstances (Humanitarian, readiness, extremely fill billet, arduous assignment). For more information, see NAV. MIN 045/93). -ICICI lite^^ ESWS qualification program revised Washington (CNO) — As a result of decisions made by surface community leadership, the ESWS qualification program has been re- vised. Members must have completed 24 months time in service and 12 months accumulated sea duty aboard a surface ship before being eligible to qualify. Members may commence working on the Personal Qualification Standards (PQS) at any time. Active duty members must be permanently assigned to a commis- sioned or Military Sealift Command surface ship or afloat staff. There are no longer any provisions for TAD assignment. Active duty members have 48 months to attain ESWS qualification after commencement of the qualification process. Commanding officers may extend this time period for up to 12 months under certain circumstances. Members who began the ESWS qualification process prior to Oct. 5, 1993 may continue to qualify under the old provisions until Dec. 31, 1993. See NAV ADMIN 197/93 for further details. New specialty codes Kelly Air Force Base, TX (AFNEWS) — Air Force members will have received new Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) now that tl^ Air Force has overhauled its classification system. The new system provides better career path visibility, reduces^B number of AFSCs, and is better aligned with the restructured Air Force. Officers and enlisted members in the same career fields will have similar AFSCs since Air Force re-grouped skills that had become fragmented over the years. Currently, there are 216 officer and 203 enlisted AFSCs. Those figures will drop to 120 and 180, respectively, under the new system. Having fewer AFSCs will allow members to become skilled in a wider variety of duties, making them more widely assignable throughout the Air Force. 1-hour developing to start soon All Hands begins “Shipmates” page Washington (NNS) — The Navy’s monthly magazine All Hands is beginning a “Shipmates” page that will promote the accomplish- ments and feature the photographs of five or six Navy-Marine Corps team members (active, reserve, family members and Navy civilians). When a person assigned to your command does something espe- cially noteworthy, contact the Public Affairs Office at ext. 4552 and arrange to have the individual’s picture and story sent to All Hands. High Year Tenure limits announced The 18-month implementation of revised High Year Tenure (HYT) limits for E-6, E-7 and E-8 personnel is complete. No further changes to HYT policy are anticipated. Sailors at HYT must request transfer to the fleet reserve effective the last day of the month in which they reach HYT. Requests for transfer to the fleet reserve should reach BUPERS at least six months prior to the effective date and may be By J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The Navy Exchange (NEX) recently began installation of a fully-automated film processing machine in its main store. The service will allow customers to drop off their film in the morning and pick up the completed prints in one hour, 24- hours or seven days. According to W.A. Pena, Deputy Exchange Manager, the prices for one- hour service will be slightly higher than the other services. “Yet customers can expect to pay between 20 and 30 percent less than if they had taken their film off base or had sent it for processing.” Although the actual machine is in place, the store is waiting on final work to be completed, in- cluding provisions for exhaust routing. Pena expects the ma- chine to be fully operational by the end of the month. “The ma- chine has a capacity of process- ing up to 225 rolls of film per day,” he added. Currently, both the NEX Craftech offer film drop-off ice which takes a few days. 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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