The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 19.11.1993, Blaðsíða 1

The White Falcon - 19.11.1993, Blaðsíða 1
Vol. 52 No. 45 November 19,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community Icelandic Comer When will it snow again? Hvenaer snjdar aftur? (Ven-air sno-yar af-tur) Thanksgiving Dinner The Enlisted Dining Fa- cility and the USO will offer special menus for Thanksgiving Day. Glacier tale The Rocky Roaders take Veteran’s Day trip ?ar Langjokull. NAFTA See page 6 for an in- depth look into the North American Free Trade Agreement. Base gym hosts three- day sports weekend. Inside Editorials.........2 Lyte Bytes.........3 Features.........4-5 Classifieds. Sports.., •••••••••••••t .8 Gen. C.E. Mundy, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, stopped at Naval Air Station Keflavik last week. The general spent time Friday morning re-enlisting three members of the Marine Corps Security Force Company, KeflavCk, as well as addressing members of the Security Force at the Enlisted Dining Facility (above). (Photo by PH2 (AW) Paul Flynn, Fleet Imaging Command Center, Atlantic) Festival of Trees All base residents are invited to the annual Festival of Trees to be held next week. This year’s Festival of Trees will feature displays of Christmas trees deco- rated and/ or constructed by base commands and or- ganizations. Plaques will be awarded to the winners. This is a charity fund raiser put on by the Naval Facility Auxiliary. Entrance donations will used for base charities. Visitors to the festival will have the opportunity to vote on trees in these categories: 1. Closest to theme 2. Best Children’s 3. People’s Choice Viewing dates and times will be at the Elementary School multi-purpose room- Thanksgiving Day 4 to 8 p.m. Friday 2 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 27 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. To enter a tree in this year’s Festival of Trees, contact Joanne Young at ext. 6553. Come one - Come aCC GO NAVY BEAT ARMY -a video spot for airing dur- ing this year’s television coverage of the Army/ Navy game. WHO: Navy personnel, all ranks and families WHEN: Saturday WHERE: Blue Lagoon TIME: 1 p.m. Bring your swim suit! Make your own way there and pay your admission fee of 250 Kronur. A Go Army/ Beat Navy video will also be shot for our Army personnel.


The White Falcon

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