The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 17.12.1993, Blaðsíða 5

The White Falcon - 17.12.1993, Blaðsíða 5
Drivers take to the ice: spin, slide and learn GSM2 Thomas Mims kept the traffic cones in order after their frequent shunts with vehicles. Story and photos by J03(SW) Andreas Walter An iced-over aircraft cargo pad set the scene for cars sliding sideways, braking madly and sending traffic cones skidding recently. By no means were drivers intent on receiving traffic tick- ets; they were participating in a safe driving course put on by Naval Air Station Keflavik Security Department “The course was set up on an ice- covered surface to let people experi- ence just how their car will react with minimal traction,” said GSM2 Thomas J. Mims, driving course instructor. “Many people new to the island have never driven in snow or on ice and this is a way for them to learn the basics.” The course let drivers negotiate a slalom section, a braking section and finally a semi-circle on glare-ice that sent each participant sliding off the imaginary roadway. Rear Adm. Michael D. Haskins, commander of the Iceland Defense Force, joined the fray and remarked, “The experience was extremely valu- able and well worth all of the hard work that went into setting up the exercise. A participant, playing vehicular bowling, searches for traction after sliding sideways through the traffic cones. With the arrival of the winter driving conditions, most notably * black ice,’ we have seen a serious rash of preventable vehicular accidents. Although Keflavik has some excellent winter-weather driving courses, there is no substitute for experience!” Radiology Dept, dedicates X-ray suite to Icelandic radiologist The U.S. Naval Hospital Keflavik recently held a Breast Cancer Awareness open house to celebrate the addition of a new mammogram X-ray machine. The hospital also renovated the X-ray suite and officially dedicated it to Dr. Kolbeinn Kristofersson, an Icelandic radiolo- gist, who has served at the hospital for more than 36 years. In his remarks, Kristofersson said he was honored by the dedication. Rear Adm. Mi- chael D. Haskins, commander of the Iceland Defense Force, was on hand to officiate the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. The open house began shortly after the cere- monies and allowed visitors to view a mammo- am display in the radiology department. Lt Cmdr. Bret Hendrix (right), chief radi- ologist, answered questions about new screen- ing techniques and early detection. There was also a panel discussion, tour and video demonstrations. Mammography, along with self-breast examinations, were listed as key factors to early detection. (PhotobyPH3 AJ. Seely) December 17,1993 5


The White Falcon

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