The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 24.12.1993, Side 2

The White Falcon - 24.12.1993, Side 2 gn.cctin.Qb fnon tAc £ccn.cton.y of tAc Jf avy The upcoming holidays are a time of joy and a renewed hope for peace on Earth- As members of the Naval service, we recognize our lives are committed to fulfilling this hope and ensuring the blessing of liberty for our loved ones. Within this commitment lay the true spirit of the holidays: sacrifice and love for our fellow men and women. I am proud of our sailors and Marines, wherever in the world you mays be serving, and whatever duty you may be performing. The sacrifices you make in the course of duty truly makes this a more peaceful world. My thoughts go out especially to those men and women whose duty separates them from their homes and families during these holidays. May the nobility and the honor of the mission you perform bring you comfort during this season. I thank you for your loyalty and service. God bless you all, and God bless America. Secretary John H. Dalton ( M. V CytC BytCS: The Miracle of Christmas; / h' By Father Leslie A. Colafo The center attraction of the world at Christ- mastime is a stable, and in that stable a manger, and in the manger a newborn child. Ordinarily, great heroes are venerated as they were at the height of their career or, in the case of soldiers who die on the battlefield, as they were at the moment of magnificent death. But of all these who have won and held the admiration of humankind, there is only one who is commemorated as an infant in swad- dling clothes. Herein lies the miracle of Christmas, a moral and spiritual miracle: a world that admires force and power, drawn to pure help- lessness; a world that worships wealth, ven- erating poverty; a world that generally bows to social standing, noble blood, great fortune, or to intellectual and artistic distinction, put-1 ting away for a few days at least its pride and snobbery and foolishness; a world suddenly becomes human in loving contemplation of a baby lying on an improvised pallet of straw in a stable. May the Christ-child bless you and your near and dear ones at Christmas and through- out the new year! The White Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force Rear Adm. Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Joseph L. Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridthdr Kr. Eydal Leading Chief Petty Officer JOC Dave Man Public Affairs Leading Petty Officer JOl David W. Crenshaw Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalists J02(AW) Natalie Dias J03(SW) Andreas Walter Staff Yeoman YN3 Darrell Thomas The While Falcon is printed by theNAS Keflavik Print Plant Photo processing is provided by Fleet Imaging Command Detachment Keflavik. The While Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force. Contents of The While Falcon are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall b^ made available without regard to race, color, religio sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, or any < non-merit factor. The While Falcon is located in BldfJ 936, tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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