The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 03.01.1997, Side 1

The White Falcon - 03.01.1997, Side 1
Serving the joint service community since 1941 Start year off right with help from Health Promotions Office By J03 Travis L. Kelley For many people, the new year means a new set of New Year’s resolutions. Some people want to lose weight. Others want to stop smoking. Still others want to han- dle stress better. Making a resolution is the first step, but following up on it is the most important one. The Health Promotions Office at the Naval Hospital is a good place to start. Elizabeth Isaacs, NAS health promo- tions coordinator, has several ways to help I|eople attain these goals. think that stress management and weight control are important,” said Isaacs. “During the winter, especially when it’s dark, windy and cold outside, you begin to realize you’re pretty far from home.” She also cited isolation as a reason peo- ple begin to feel stressed. “It takes its toll on you. People also want to hibernate and stay inside. They don’t get out and exercise or socialize as much as they usu- ally would. When you’re not as active, but you continue to eat the same amount of food, or more, you’re going to gain weight,” she pointed out. To combat the weight gain, Isaacs has some simple advice: exercise and eat right. To help people learn how to eat right, the Health Promotions Office has two nutrition courses beginning this month. The Nutrition for the Family course is a four-week class that gives a general overview of nutrition. “It shows you how to prepare healthier meals for your fami- ly,” she explained. “You learn about child and adult nutrition and how to make well- balanced meals for your entire family.” The course begins Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. The longer 10-week nutrition course is more in-depth and is taught by the base’s community health nurse. “It’s an excel- lent course for anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle,” Isaacs said. This class begins Tuesday at 9 a.m. Both nutrition courses meet once a week and are an hour long. Isaacs also recommends the stress management seminars sponsored by the FSC. “This is a great way to learn how to deal with stress in the home and the work- place,” she asserted. The next stress man- agement seminar is Jan. 15 at 3:30 p.m. at the FSC. A good percentage of military people smoke or dip tobacco. For people who want to stop, the health promotions office has two tobacco cessation courses starting Monday. “The lunch-time course begins at noon - bring a bag lunch with you - and the evening course begins at 6 p.m.,” Isaacs said. “Each class consists of six ses- sions spread out over four weeks, with each session lasting about an hour and a half.” So, if your New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight, stop smoking or learn to better handle your stress, you have a good place to start. The Health Promotions Office offers these and many other ser- vices to everyone stationed in Iceland. For more information or to sign up for a class, call Isaacs at ext. 3114. Volunteers make Christmas dinner success Volunteer servers Marilyn and Jacob Kidwell dish out mixed vegetables with a smile on Christmas Day at Tftis week in NATO Base History 1981... A winter storm roared through the area, tear- ing part of the base pool roof off, ripping siding from base housing and causing about $755,000 in damage to the base. Icelandic Comer You’re welcome. Ekkert ad {jakka. (Eck-kert ath thak-ka) the USO Christmas dinner. This is the first year Christmas dinner has been free to all military people who attended. USO Director Sue Slocum estimated more than 100 peo- ple had dinner. “We couldn’t have done this without the help of our vol- unteers and the gen- erosity of many peo- ple,” she said. (Photo by J03 Travis L. Kelley)


The White Falcon

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