Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.09.2015, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.09.2015, Blaðsíða 4
this issue's most aw esome letter! Check it out! Whoever sent in this issue's LOVELIEST LETTER gets a free Grapevine T-shirt, featuring the regal G that adorns our cover. DON’T PANIC if your letter wasn’t found to be this issue's loveliest. You can still get a tee for a low, low price over our website, And guess what: we always give out SICK prizes for each issue's LOVELIEST LETTER, so be sure to send in some fun and/or interesting missives. Give us your worst: LOVELIEST LETTER FREE GRAPEVINE TEE HEE HEE! Last week, the municipal government of Ísafjarðarbær (where I serve as mayor) made a declaration on behalf of the com- munity it serves. We declared that we, the people of Ísafjarðarbær, are ready and willing to welcome refugees to our town and host them to the best of our abilities. It is our civic duty, and it is a show of social responsibility. The municipality of Ísafjarðarbær hosts a good-natured and child-friendly community, with a variety of qualities that anyone should find appealing, not the least those who are tasked with starting a new life. Our infrastructure is sturdy, and the closeness of our tight-knit community enables us to offer a steady and warm hand to those in need—to those who would entrust us with their future. We are also experienced. Ísafjarðar- bær accepted thirty refugees from the Balkans in 1996 (which proportionately equals the number of Syrian refugees Ger- many plans to admit). The endeavour was such a success that it became the basis of a model for subsequent refugee arrivals to Iceland. The key to this success was the direct and active participation of many of our townspeople. Local support families vol- unteered and were consequently trained and educated in preparation for the refu- gees’ arrival, ready to welcome them to a new home and a fresh start. Every family of refugees was assigned a support family of their own, allowing them to immediate- ly enjoy the comfort and support network only a close group of friends can offer. A few years later, our town’s economy failed. There was unemployent, and job opportunities were few and far between. Fortunately, after successfully integrat- ing into our community, the refugees were well prepared to relocate to anywhere they wished. Success! Some eventually chose to return to the places they fled once the situation allowed for it. The rest are spread all over Iceland. All these years later, they have become a vital part of the Icelandic nation, while those who left still foster close ties to our country. Our community’s experience of ac- cepting a group of thirty refugees in 1996 was a pleasant and rewarding one. In- deed, many of those who played a part in welcoming that group regularly express a sincere interest in repeating the project. They have retained the knowledge, expe- rience and expertise that accumulated in the process—it is preserved within our lo- cal Red Cross chapter, our social services and among the many volunteers who pitched in, serving as support families or otherwise. We, the people of Ísafjarðarbær have much to offer—and it seems that at the moment, much is needed. Our neigh- bouring municipalities have furthermore pledged to work with us in this effort, should we be called upon. It is in light of our positive prior ex- periences with accepting refugees, in tune with our civic duties, and out of our shared sense of social responsibility that we foster a sincere will to help in any which way we can, and do our part. Dear Mr. Mayor, Thank you for taking the time to write us and explain your community’s stance on this very pressing issue. It seems like a noble one, and we applaud it and wish you success. If nothing else, you’ve certainly earned that t-shirt. Hey! Wait! Are you maybe just pander- ing to our obvious and blatant bleed- ing heart liberal sensibilities to score a free t-shirt? Is that it? Is it? Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: SOUR GRAPES AND STUFF A Letter From The Mayor Of Ísafjarðarbær Or: Why we will gladly welcome refugees to our community Words by Gísli Halldór Halldórsson Visit Iceland’s largest art museum Reykjavík Art Museum HAFNARHÚS TRYGGVAGATA 17 101 RVK ÁSMUNDARSAFN SIGTÚN 105 RVK KJARVALSSTAÐIR FLÓKAGATA 105 RVK Erró, Jaime Sabartes, 1964. Ásmundur Sveinsson. Photo Andrés Kolbeinsson, 1958. Open daily One admission to three museums Varma is available in various tourist shops around Iceland the timeless warmth of Iceland Varma is dedicated to maintaining Icelandic tradition in developing, designing and manufacturing quality garments and accessories from the best Icelandic wool and sheepskin shearling. w w w .a rn ar tr .c om
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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