Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1963, Side 117
Verzlunarskýrslur 1961
Tafla IV B (frh.). Útfluttar vörur árið 1961, eftir vörutegundum.
07 Kaffi, te, kakaó, krydd og vörur úr því .......
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof
073 Súkkulað chocolate......................................
08 Skepnufóður (ómalað korn ekki meðtalið)........
Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled
081 Skepnufóður/eeding stuff for animals (not including un-
milled cereals) ....................................
081-03 Olíukökur og mjöl úr þeim oil-seed cake and meal and other
vegetable oil residues..............................
a. Þangmjöl seaweed meal...........................
081-04 Fóðurmjöl úr kjöti og fiski meat meal (including tankage)
and fish meal .............................................
a. Fiskmjöl fish mcal .............................
b. Síldarmjöl herring meal ........................
c. Karfamjöl red fish meal ........................
d. Hvalmjöl -whale meal............................
e. Lifrarmjöl liver meal ..........................
f. Rækjumjöl shrimp meal ..........................
g. Humarmjöl lobster mcal .........................
h. Soðkjami fish solubles .........................
081-09 Kjöt- og fiskúrgangur til dýrafóðurs ót. a. vastes of meat
and fish for animal feed, n. e. s...................
a. Fiskúrgangur wastes of fish ....................
b. Kjötúrgangur wastes of mcat.....................
09 Ýmisleg matvæli................................
MisceUaneous food preparations
091 Smjörlíki margarine ....................................
099 Matvæli ót. a. food preparations n. e. s................
099-09 Matvæli ót. a. food preparations n. e. s.............
1 Drykkjarvörur og tóbak ..........................
Beuerages and. tobacco
11 Drykkjarvörur ................................
112 Áfengir drykkir alcoholic beverages ....................
112-04 Brenndir drykkir distilled alcoholic bcverages.......
a. Brennivín aqua vitae ............................
12 Tóbak og lóbaksvörur...........................
Tobacco and tobacco manufactures
121 Tóbak óunnið tobacco unmanufactured ....................
121-01 Tóbak óunnið tobacco unmanufactured (including scrap
tobacco and tobacco stems) .........................
a. Tóbaksstilkar tobacco stems......................
2 Ýmis hráefni (óæt), þó ekki eldsneyti
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels
21 Húðir, sldnn og loðskinn, óverkað .............
Hides, skins and fur skins, undressed
211 Húðir og skinn (nema loðskinn), óverkað hides
and skins (except furskins), undrcssed......................
1 2 3
Tonn 1000 kr. Meðalverð
86 176,9 396 699
86 176,9 396 699
14,0 47
14,0 47 3,37
73 742,6 372 700
28 692,5 131 456 4,58
37 582,6 211 168 5,62
3 735,0 17 917 4,80
1 492,2 6 269 4,20
345,0 2 193 6,35
29,6 101 3,41
365,7 1 028 2,81
1 500,0 2 568 1,71
12 420,3 23 952
12 282,7 23 537 1,92
137,6 415 3,01
9,6 107
9,6 107
9,6 107 11,16
1,1 7
1,1 7
1,1 7
1,1 7
1,1 7 6,24
10 438,4 154042
2 849,2 109 007
2 845,9 104 648