Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1963, Page 118
V erzlunaríkýrslur 1961
Tafla IV B (frh.). Útfluttar vörur árið 1961, eftir vörutegundum.
211-01 Nautgripa- og hrosshúðir óverkaðar hides of cattle and
horseSy undressed...........................................
a. Nautgripahúðir saltaðar hides of cattle, salted.
b. Hrosshúðir saltaðar hidcs of horses, salted.....
c. Hross- og nautshúðastykki parts of hides .......
211-02 Kálfskinn söltuð calfskins and kip skins, undressed ....
211-03 Sauðskinn og lambskinn óverkuð sheep skins and lamb
skins, undressed ....................................
a. Gœrur saltaðar sheep skins, salted .... 923 822 stk.
b. Sauðskinn hert sheep skins, dried .... - „
c. Gœrur afullaðar sheep skins, not with tlie wool.
d. Gærusneplar þurrkaðir snips of sheep skins, dried ....
211-05 Leðurúrgangur waste and used leather..................
211- 09 Húðir og skinn, óverkað ót. a. hides and skins, undressed,
n. e. s..............................................
a. Fiskroð söltuð fish skins, salted...............
b. Fiskroð fryst fish skins, frozen................
c. Hreindýraskinn hert reindeer skins, dried.......
212 Loðskinn óverkuð fur skins, undressed....................
212- 01 Loðskinn óverkuð fur skins, undressed..............
a. Refaskinn óverkuð (hert) fox skins, un~
dressed (dried) ....................... - stk.
b. Minkaskinn hert mink skins, dried.... - „
c. Selskinn söltuð seal skins, salted... 59 „
d. Selskinn hert seal skins, dried...... 5203 „
23 Kátsjúk og kátsjúkliki.........................
Crude rubber, including synthetic and reclaimed
231 Kátsjúk óunnið og slitnar kátsjúkvörur crude
rubber, including synthetic and reclaimed............
231-01 Náttúrlegt kátsjúk (sjórekið) natural rubber and similar
natural gums................................................
25 Pappírsdeig og pappírsúrgangur ..............
Pulp and waste paper
251 Pappírsdeig og pappírsúrgangur pulp and waste
paper ...............................................
251-01 Pappírsúrgangur paper waste and old paper.............
26 Spunaefni óunnin og úrgangur.................
Textile fibres (not manufactured into yarn, thread or
fabrics) and wastc
262 Ull og annað dýrahár tvool and other animal hair ..
262-01 Ull óþvegin sheep's and lamb's wool, greasy...........
262-02 Ull þvegin sheep's and lamb's wool, scoured...........
262-05 Hrosshár og annað gróft hár horsehair and other coarse hair
a. Hrosshár horsehair .............................
b. Nautgripahár hair from bovine animals ..........
262-08 Ullarúrgangur tvaste of wool..........................
266 Gcrvisilkiúrgangur \vaste of artificial materials.....
266- 01 Gervisilkiúrgangur.................................
267 Spunaefnaúrgangur waste materials from textile fabrics
267- 01 Tuskur og annar spunaefnaúrgangur waste materials from
textile fabrics, including rags .....................
X 2 S
Tonn 1000 kr. Meöalverö
57,2 946
32,7 674 20,56
14,4 227 15,73
10,1 45 4,43
55,3 2 644 47,78
2 709,5 101 022
2 689,2 100 609 !) 108,90
8,3 389 47,04
12,0 24 1,99
23,9 36
22,9 31 1,37
1,0 5 5,04
3,3 4 359
3,3 4 359
0,2 57 1) 961,00
3,1 4 302 !) 826,81
281,5 480
281,5 480
281,5 480 1,71
528,6 26 875
480,3 26 561
15,0 551 36,84
441,4 25 647 58,10
22,2 293
22,2 293 13,18
1,7 70 40,95
29,4 225
29,4 225 7,65
18,9 89
18,9 89 4,75
1) Hvert stk. each