Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1994, Page 39
Verslunarskýrslur 1993
Tafla I. Verðmæti og þyngd innflutnings og útflutnings eftir vörudeildum árið 1993
Table I. Value and weight of imports and exports by divisions of the SITC, Rev. 3, in 1993
Nettóþyngd í tonnum Net weight in tons Þyngd Weight Verðmæti Value
í þús. kr. Thousand ISK Innflutt Imports Útflutt
Innflutt Útflutt Fob-verð Cif-verð Exports
Imports Exports Fob-value Cif-value fob-value
00 Lifandidýr,önnurenívörudeild03 0,8 736,6 2.110 3.267 177.712
01 Kjötogunnarkjötvörur 7,2 1.161,2 2.859 3.208 215.076
02 Mjólkurafurðirogegg 104,1 44,7 21.866 25.101 5.327
03 Fiskur,krabbadýr,lindýrogunniðfiskmeti 18.909,2 335.008,8 1.415.645 1.557.881 68.804.284
04 Komogunnarkomvörur 45.395,0 13,7 1.354.951 1.651.284 3.274
05 Ávextiroggrænmeti 29.268,0 77,4 1.811.474 2.205.676 4.767
06 Sykur.unnarsykurvöruroghunang 12.721,3 23,1 482.076 577.948 17.205
07 Kaffi,te,kakó,kryddogvörurúrslíku 4.092,3 12,5 915.584 994.961 4.048
08 Skepnufóður (ómalað kom ekki meðtalið) 14.836,7 189.360,8 288.375 363.676 5.404.368
09 Ymsarunnarmatvörur 4.014,3 170,5 1.120.734 1.205.465 2.924
11 Diykkjarvörur 7.847,5 6.361,9 790.074 903.059 250.914
12 Tóbakogunnartóbaksvörur 526,6 840.463 863.881 -
21 Húðir, skinn og loðskinn, óunnið 181,4 836,9 19.968 21.778 262.436
22 Olíufræ.olíuhneturogolíukjamar 221,7 17.954 20.518 -
23 Hrágúmmí(þ.m.t.gervigúmmíogendurunnið) 90,6 7.748 9.029 -
24 Tijáviðurogkorkur 49.833,0 95,8 987.090 1.208.168 11.493
25 Pappírsmassiogúrgangspappír 40,6 3.161,2 1.379 1.741 10.625
26 Spunatrefjarogspunatrefjaúrgangur 254,0 1.063,6 61.361 66.989 65.829
27 Áburður óunninn, annar en í 56 ogjarðefni óunnin 207.691,4 57.681,4 308.647 607.192 528.415
28 Málmgrýtiogmálmúrgangur 180.677,6 18.755,1 2.039.049 2.235.425 186.662
29 Óunnarefhivörurdýra-ogjurtakyns,ót.a 807,6 4.838,6 212.790 254.078 96.784
32 Kol,koksogmótöflur 69.452,8 273.465 408.838 -
33 Jarðolíaogjarðolíuafurðirogskyldefni 678.849,8 9.211,6 7.373.449 7.963.303 48.389
34 Gas,náttúrlegtogtilbúið 1.355,3 15.140 33.556 -
41 Feitiogolía,dýrakyns 171,8 113.426,0 9.675 12.027 2.806.456
42 Feiti og olía, jurtakyns, óunnið, hreinsað eða umbreytt 2.864,6 153.513 180.524 -
43 Feiti og olía, unnin o.fl 1.158,0 0,0 76.067 87.547 7
51 Lífræn kemísk efni 2.524,2 1,1 301.859 338.161 1.531
52 Ólífrænkemískefni 11.996,3 128,9 359.574 460.475 4.233
53 Litunar-, sútunar- og málunarefni 4.450,5 4,4 714.122 791.390 1.212
54 Lyfja-oglækningavörur 444,7 8,5 2.289.009 2.350.448 49.154
55 Rokgjamar olíurogkvoður; snyrti-, hreinl.vörur. o.fl 4.993,2 5,6 1.328.915 1.449.359 1.410
56 Tilbúinn áburður (annar en í vöruflokki 272) 19.796,9 - 145.881 189.358 -
57 Plastefhi, óunnin 10.671,8 1.445,2 842.774 943.468 24.847
58 Plastefiii, hálfimnin 3.026,4 15,4 733.786 822.233 10.060
59 Kemísk efni og afurðir, ót.a 9.159,6 2.583,9 859.408 967.768 21.208
61 Leður, unnar leðurvörur ót.a. og unnin loðskinn 36,0 332,9 53.254 58.688 660.081
62 U nnar gúmvörur ót.a 4.242,9 31,0 954.787 1.064.394 8.193
63 Unnar vörur úrtrjáviði ogkorki (ekki húsgögn) 19.257,0 66,2 1.176.480 1.326.821 1.456
64 Pappír.pappi ogvörurunnarúrslíku 37.067,2 632,4 3.171.548 3.594.172 76.329
65 Spunagam, vefnaður, tilbúnir vefhaðarmunir, o.þ.h. ót.a 4.805,0 427,4 2.326.241 2.532.422 301.638
66 Unnar vörurúrómálmkenndumjarðefnum, ót.a 18.759,7 2.667,2 1.260.260 1.509.346 89.883
67 Jámogstál 33.078,9 64.462,0 1.452.623 1.688.594 2.362.352
68 Málmaraðrirenjám 2.370,1 91.839,2 556.386 599.716 8.262.110
69 Unnarmálmvörur, ót.a 12.865,6 1.201,9 3.438.105 3.814.348 449.087
71 Aflvélarogtilheyrandi búnaður 911,1 3,1 1.364.847 1.457.264 1.211
72 Vélartilsérstakraatvinnugreina 4.469,6 386,1 2.558.320 2.732.579 303.665
73 Málmsmíðavélar 374,8 3,4 151.935 165.691 7.221
74 Ý msar vélar og tæki til atvinnurekstrar og tilheyrandi ót.a 4.035,0 152,0 3.517.113 3.820.255 439.526
75 SkrifstofuvélarogsjálfVirkargagnavinnsluvélar 486,9 1,1 2.419.847 2.527.191 17.439
76 Fjarskiptatæki, hljóð/myndupptökut. og hljóðflutningstæki 684,0 0,5 2.173.313 2.277.238 2.671
77 Rafmagnsvélarog-tæki,ogtilheyrandiót.a 52.090,7 269,6 5.156.402 5.519.333 35.019
78 Flutningatækiávegum 11.281,1 542,0 5.244.183 5.809.980 53.710
79 Önnurflutningatæki 6.287,3 16.587,1 2.208.328 2.246.129 1.308.697
81 Húshlutar, pípul.efni, hreinl.-oghitunartæki, ljósabún 2.778,3 3,1 722.116 811.524 4.015
82 Húsgögnoghlutartilþeirra 5.959,6 1,3 1.615.520 1.880.496 1.908
83 Ferðabúnaður, handtöskur o.þ.h 153,9 0,0 190.662 214.471 2
84 Fatnaðurannar en skófatnaður 1.814,7 72,1 4.264.943 4.593.825 293.681
85 Skófatnaður 599,8 0,4 872.706 948.248 592
87 Vísinda- og mælitæki ót.a 299,0 0,3 1.460.985 1.542.312 10.032
88 Ljósmyndunarvörurogsjóntæki, ót.a.; úr, klukkur 600,6 0,1 903.911 963.942 655
89 Ýmsariðnaðarvörur, ót.a 8.846,0 825,1 4.989.972 5.625.455 554.782
9 Vörur og viðskipti ekki flokkuð eftir tegund 659,6 780,2 192.616 203.357 391.030
Samtals 1.633.251,4 927.522,1 82.576.236 91.306.572 94.657.639
Verslunarskýrslur 1993
00 Live animals other than animals of division 03
01 Meat and meat preparations
02 Dairy products and birds' eggs
03 Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, and preparations thereof
04 Cereals and cereal preparations
05 Vegetables andfruits
06 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey
07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof
08 Feeding stujf for animals (not including unmilled cereals)
09 Miscellaneous edible products andpreparations
11 Beverages
12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures
21 Hides, skins andfurskins, raw
22 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
23 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)
24 Cork and wood
25 Pulp and waste paper
26 Textile fibres and their wastes (not manufactured into yam or fabric)
27 Crude fertilizers, other than those of division 56, andcrude minerals (excluding coal, petroleum andprecious stones)
28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
29 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.
32 Coal, coke and briquettes
33 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials
34 Gas, natural and manufactured
41 Animal oils andfats
42 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated
43 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes of animal or vegetable origin; inedible preparations of animal or vegetable fats and oils, n.e.s.
51 Organic chemicals
52 Inorganic chemicals
53 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
54 Medical and pharmaceutical products
55 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations
56 Fertilizers (other than those of group 272)
5 7 Plastics in primary forms
58 Plastics in non-primary forms
59 Chemical materials andproducts, n.e.s.
61 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s., and dressedfurskins
62 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.
63 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding fumiture)
64 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard
65 Textile yam, fabrics, made-up articles, n. e. s., and relatedproducts
66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.
67 Iron and steel
68 Non-ferrous metals
69 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.
71 Power generating machinery and equipment
72 Machinery specializedfor particular industries
73 Metalworking machinery
74 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.
75 Office machines and automatic data processing machines
76 Telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment
77 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., andparts thereof
78 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)
79 Other transport equipment
81 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures andfittings, n. e.s.
82 Fumiture andparts thereof: bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffedfumishings
83 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers
84 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
85 Footwear
87 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
88 Photographic apparatus, equipment andsupplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks
89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s
9 Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in SITC