Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1994, Side 124
Verslunarskýrslur 1993
Tafla IV. Magn og verðmæti útfluttrar vöru eftir löndum og vöruflokkum (Hagstofúflokkun) árið 1993 (ffh.)
Table IV. Quantity and value of exports by countries of destination and by commodities (Icelandic classification) in 1993 (cont.)
Sviss Switzerland Svíþjóð Sweden Taívan Taiwan Tékkland Czech Republic Tyrkland Turkey
Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð
Tonnes Fob-value Tonnes Fob-value Tonnes Fob-value Tonnes Fob-value Tonnes Fob-value
010 030 4.100,8 132.204 8.731,8 603.786 8.420,8 1.834.348 60,7 3.445 - -
_ 0,2 54 _ I
060 - 2,0 2.049 - - _ -
080 090 100 - 10,7 10.764 - 0,0 35 -
1,5 641 84,3 23.287 _ 0,1 32 _ I
110 120 130 - 149,2 48.355 12,2 1.258 - - - -
_ _ _ _ 58,3 2.162 _ I
140 - - - 212,4 17.518 - _ _ _
150 - - - 9,7 1.797 - _ - _
155 - 1,2 262 34,2 2.803 - _ - -
160 0,1 65 13,9 4.330 7.290,3 1.705.701 - - _ _
165 0,9 533 2,3 998 17,4 280 - _ - _
170 - 1,2 465 - 0,2 92 - -
175 2,6 840 19,4 5.754 - 0,2 89 - _
180 - 2,1 639 - - - _ - _
185 - 3,9 1.229 - 0,2 72 - _
190 - 22,5 3.013 - - - - - _
195 0,0 4 i,i 166 4,1 676 _ - _
200 - - 3,6 767 - - - - _ _
205 4,5 1.072 2,2 459 - - 0,1 48 - _
210 - - 13,4 2.258 205,7 52.024 - _ - _
215 4,5 1.223 11,9 3.337 - - 0,8 359 _ _
220 - - 12,0 2.907 - - - _ _ _
225 0,0 6 15,2 3.421 - - 0,0 19 - _
230 - - 66,5 4.874 - - - - _ _
240 1,8 796 36,7 12.560 20,5 3.285 0,5 439 _ _
250 2,1 3.911 - - - - _ - _ _
260 - - 3,9 1.901 31,4 16.932 0,1 46 - -
270 - - - - 14,9 4.045 - - _ _
275 - - 96,5 15.424 - - - _ _ _
280 16,4 963 9,6 1.797 _ - - _ _ _
285 290 300 310 330 - - 0,7 77 - - - - - -
- - 673,3 102.973 - - - - - -
_ _ 1.633,2 186.096 _ _ 0,1 51 _ I
350 370 380 - - 0,0 1 538,1 26.389 - - - -
4.064,3 118.363 5.836,4 163.057 _ _ _ _ _ I
399 1,9 3.787 2,8 510 30,0 1.639 - - . -
150,5 66.287 1.115,0 161.779 1,0 5.335 0,8 723 _ _
510 520 540 - - 519,3 82.208 - - - - - -
550 560 570 580 - - 456,8 30.777 - - - - - -
590 600 11,9 2.311 135,4 47.265 - - - -
620 136,1 60.793 1,3 339 0,8 141 0,5 439 _ -
650 - - - - 0,2 5.193 _ - - _
690 2,5 3.183 2,2 1.189 ." - 0,2 285 - -
39.065,7 3.253.411 1.804,0 238.763 2,7 5.809 143,3 14.653 5,7 13.572
800 - - 156,0 49.966 2,5 916 1,4 451 _ _
805 - - 2,6 164 _ - - - _ _
808 810 - - 0,0 2 - - - -
813 815 18,6 783 335,4 7.002 - - 136,1 2.549 - -
825 - - 7,4 1.660 - - - - - -
Verslunarskýrslur 1993
Þýskaland Germany Önnur lönd Other countr. Alls Totál
Tonn Tonnes Fob-veið Fob-value Tonn Tonnes Fob-veiö Fob-value Tonn Tonnes Fob-verð Fob-value
58.580,1 6.664.155 2.011,2 144.880 632.659,3 74.570.713 Marine products
_ _ 31,8 6.375 1.860,2 409.068 Dried saltedfish 010
_ _ 6,6 470 31.595,4 7.283.917 Uncured saltedfish .... 030
727,4 146.140 - - 8.254,4 2.245.231 Saltedfish fillets, bits etc 060
_ _ 9,0 6.195 281,1 159.265 Stoclfish 080
_ _ _ - 6.503,7 788.319 Driedfish heads 090
380,9 60.560 0,6 241 4.163,3 1.345.242 Fish fillets, fresh, chilledor onice 100
28.492,7 2.372.009 2,2 308 66.297,0 6.253.782 Whole fish.fresh, chilled oronice 110
13,2 75 _ - 4.731,6 21.243 Fish for reduction 120
1.469,7 63.640 20,7 1.694 9.211,8 484.000 Frozen herring, whole or in fillets 130
_ _ 62,1 5.527 5.513,0 441.541 Frozen capelin, whole or in fillets 140
19,4 3.376 - - 1.979,2 187.543 Whole-frozen cod 150
242,2 22.422 75,3 5.641 23.548,0 3.210.949 Whole-frozen redfish 155
953,6 167.841 0,1 14 21.463,9 4.281.067 Whole-frozen fiatfish 160
148,3 12.189 - - 1.462,0 141.695 Other whole-frozen fish 165
1.832,5 427.221 - - 23.486,1 5.736.091 Block-frozen codfillets 170
734,3 266.093 - - 33.064,5 10.232.564 Other frozen codfillets 175
98,0 6.351 - - 2.624,9 710.889 Block-frozen haddockfillets 180
23,8 6.057 - - 6.511,1 2.280.292 Other frozen haddock fillets 185
4.389,2 511.587 _ - 10.846,9 1.292.635 Block-frozen saithe fillets 190
1.631,1 208.707 - - 8.402,9 1.275.806 Other frozen saithe fillets 195
2.559,7 600.931 - - 4.029,1 776.373 Block-frozen redfish fillets 200
4.933,0 1.194.625 - - 7.676,6 1.774.508 Other frozen redfish fillets 205
75,3 16.881 - - 1.281,5 266.920 Block-frozen fiatfish fillets 210
115,4 31.547 - - 5.227,6 1.526.819 Other frozen flatfish fillets 215
12,8 3.155 - - 1.154,0 227.352 Other block-frozen fish fillets 220
222,0 55.500 - - 3.886,2 947.637 Otherfrozen fish fillets 225
351,2 17.980 15,7 1.786 4.523,5 321.778 Minced or strainedfish, frozen 230
488,8 219.668 27,9 7.269 21.366,1 8.486.987 Frozen shrimp 240
0,8 1.439 - _ 1.160,5 900.907 Frozen lobster .... 250
0,0 23 - - 1.817,0 931.222 Frozen scallop 260
_ 22,0 2.735 723,7 107.599 Frozen capelin roe 270
4,4 1.355 70,3 17.686 1.010,8 220.500 Other frozen fish roe 275
92,6 11.014 294,3 38.468 1.791,0 310.590 Cod liver oil for human consumption 280
1,8 308 - - 45,3 3.920 Cod liver oil for animal feeds 285
_ - - 387,1 200.763 Salted lumpfish roe 290
_ - - 888,7 142.731 Other sugar-salted roe 300
_ - - 230,1 34.889 Other salted roe 310
223,2 17.820 199,3 11.170 7.054,0 595.430 Salted herring 330
1.832,6 41.570 433,4 20.401 98.395,2 2.205.670 Capelin oil 350
_ - - 4.093,6 96.304 Codfish meal 370
4.604,5 128.280 56,7 1.178 171.037,2 4.918.902 Capelin meal 380
1.905,7 47.792 683,0 17.723 23.079,2 791.773 Other marine products 399
599,0 166.339 77,4 24.401 7.294,3 1.619.525 Agricultural products
_ - _ 934,1 149.906 Lamb and mutton, frozen 510
_ - - 7,2 1.086 Milkandskim milkpowder 520
_ _ _ 0,6 244 Cheese 540
140,8 12.692 _ _ 1.053,4 65.366 Wool 550
_ _ - 252,1 24.093 Salted sheepskins 560
_ _ _ 460,2 31.180 Salted cattle and horse hides 570
_ _ - 7,3 49.905 Driedfoxskins 580
_ - _ 10,1 124.334 Dried minkskins 590
363,1 71.966 18,9 4.192 736,6 177.712 Livehorses 600
88,8 38.058 37,8 18.022 2.167,7 712.562 Salmon and trout, chilled or frozen 620
1,1 35.249 - 1,6 50.968 Eiderdown 650
5,2 8.373 20,6 2.187 1.663,4 232.169 Other agricultural products 690
31.158,2 3.375.945 2.813,0 275.093 211.869,2 16.525.157 Manufacturing products
826,7 453.867 13,6 5.068 2.709,3 1.521.000 Fish products in airtight containers 800
_ 185,5 12.097 6.184,5 230.747 Non-alcoholic beverages 805
1,3 184 4,1 610 138,3 17.084 Alcoholic beverages 808
331,0 14.048 2.988,7 82.710 Seaweed meal 810
- 824,3 45.838 Fish feeds 813
2.798,6 60.203 1.804,9 38.147 19.554,8 414.157 Diatomite 815
33,6 9.405 33,8 10.632 627,9 157.664 Fish tubs, trawl-floating balls and netrings .... 825