Iðjuþjálfinn - 01.12.2001, Side 13

Iðjuþjálfinn - 01.12.2001, Side 13
stuðningi vinnufélaga sinna, fagfélags og yfirboðara. Félög iðjuþjálfa um allan heim hafa unnið markvisst að því á undanförnum árum að vekja áhuga iðjuþjálfa á því að þróa starf sitt í þessa átt. Margar greinar hafa birst í fagblöðum iðjuþjálfa, fyrst í breska iðjuþjálfablaðinu árið 1997 og svo í kanadíska iðjuþjálfablaðinu árið 1998. Önnur fagblöð iðjuþjálfa hafa fylgt í kjölfarið og einnig hefur verið gefin út bók um sannreynda þjónustu fyrir iðjuþjálfa (Taylor, 2000). Hér á eftir er skrá yfir nokkrar heimildir sem ég hef stuðst við í þessum skrifum mínum og vænti ég þess að sú skrá verði einhverjum hvatning til þess að stíga skref fram á við og kynna sér efnið af eigin raun. Höfundur er sviðsstjóri á Reykjn- lundi Endurhæfingarmiðstöð og lektor við Háskólann á Akureyri Heimildir: Bennett, S. og Bennett J. W. (2000). The process of evidence-based practice in occupational therapy: Informing clinical decisions. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 47, 171-180. Cusick, A. og McCluskey, A. (2000). Becoming an evidence-based practitioner through professional development. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 47,159-170. Christiansen, C. og Lou, J.,Q. (2001). Ethical considerations related to evidence-based practice. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55(3), 345-349. Dubouloz, C.}., Egan, M., Vallerand,}., og von Zweck, C. (1999). Occupational therapist's perceptions of evidence- based practice. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53,445-453. Depoy, E. og Gitlow, L. (2001). In L. W. Pedretti and M. B. Early (Eds.), Occupational Therapy Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction: A Model of Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapy, (bls. 58-68, 5th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Egan, M. Dubouloz, C., von Zweck, C. og Vallerand, J. (1998). The client-centred evidence-based practice of occupational therapy. Canadian Joumal of Occupational Therapy, 65(3), 136-143. Elín Ebba Ásmundsdóttir (2000). Viðhorf íslenskra iðjuþjálfa til fagmála. Iðjupjálfinn, 1,20-27. Hayes, R. L. (2000). Evidence-based occupational therapy needs strategically-targeted quality research now. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 47,186-190. Holm, M. B. (2000). The 2000 Eleanor Clarke Slage Lecture: Our Mandate for the New MiIIennium: Evidence-Based Practice. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54(6), 575-585. Law, M., & Baum, C. (1998). Evidence- based occupational therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(3), 131-135. Taylor, M. Clare (2000). Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapists. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. Tickle-Degnen, L. (1998). Using research evidence in planning treatment for the individual client. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(3), 152-159. ítarefni: Ball, C., Sackett, D., Phillips, B., Haynes, R., og Straus, S. (1999). Levels of evidence and grades of recommendations (á netinu). Fæst á eftirfarandi slóð: http: / / cebm.jr2.ox.ac.uk/docs/levels. html Bannigan, K. (1997). Clinical effectiveness: Systematic reviews and evidence-based practice in occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(11), 479^183. Carlson, M., Fanchiang, S., Zemke, R., og Clark, F. (1996). A Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of occupational therapy for older persons. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50(2), 89-98. Conroy, M.C. (1997). „Why are you doing that?" A project to look for evidence of efficacy with occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(11), 487-490. Culshaw, H. (1995). Evidence-based practice for sale? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58(6), 233. Hayes, L.R., & McGrath, J:J. (1998). Evidence-based practice: The Cochrane Collaboration, and occupational therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(3), 144-151. Jackson,}., Carlson, M., Mandel, D., Zemke, R., Clark, F. (1998). Occupation in lifestyle redesign: The Well Elderly Study Occupational Therapy Program. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 52(5), 326-336. Law, M., Stewart, D., Letts, L., Pollock, N., Bosch, J. og Westmoreland, M. (1999a). Critical Review Form - Qualitative Studies (á netinu). Fæst á eftirfarandi slóð: http://www- fhs.mcmaster.ca/rehab/ebp/pdf/ Law, M., Stewart, D., Letts, L., Pollock, N., Bosch, J. og Westmoreland, M. (1999a). Critical Review Form - Quantitative Studies (á netinu). Fæst á eftirfarandi slóð: http://www- fhs.mcmaster.ca/rehab/ebp/pdf/ Letts, L., Law, M., Pollock, N., et al. (1999). A program evaluation workbook for occupational therapists: an evidence-based practice tool, Ottowa: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. Lloyd-Smith, W. (1997). Evidence-based practice and occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(11), 474-478. Logan, P.A., Ahern, J, Gladman, J.R.F., og Lincoln, N.B. (1997). A randomized controlled trial of enhanced social service occupational therapy for stroke patients. Clinical Rehabilitation, 11(2), 107-113. Rosenberg, W., og Donald, A. (1995). Evidence-based medicine: An approach to clinical problem-solving. British Medical Journal, 310 (6987), 1122-1126. Vefsíður sem fjalla um sannreynda þjónustu: Australian Cochrane Centre: http:/ / www.som.flinders.edu.au /fusa/cochrane Canadian Cochrane Centre: http: / / www.hiru.mcmaster.ca/cochrane Cochrane Collaboration: http://www.hiru.mcmaster.ca /cochrane/ DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness) in UK: http: / / www.nhscrd.york.ac.uk /welcome.html NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination: http://www.cebm.jr2.ox.ac.uk McMaster Occupational Therapy Evidence Based Practice Group: http://www- fhs.mcmaster.ca/rehab/ebp/. IÐJUÞJÁLFINN 1/2001 13



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