Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.10.2016, Qupperneq 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.10.2016, Qupperneq 10
The South Coast and Jökulsárlón overnight tour Book online at Special Offer In october! Bright Future (centrist) 1. Optimistic, liberal, pro-EU, green party. We want better poli- tics and radical reforms. 2. Björt framtíð (Bright Future) wants to change how we approach politics through the use of Servant Leadership. Through servant leadership we intend to insure that we take deci- sions based on what is best for the majority of society versus the elite. Björt framtíð is made up of people who in their daily lives and work have taken on servant leadership roles as teachers, policemen, children's social service counselors and even one of Iceland‘s leading servant leadership scholars. We want tax reforms that serve the ordinary citizen; in particular we want to simplify the VAT system. We want increased gov- ernment transparency. One of our ideas there is to have regu- lar National Assemblies to dis- cuss matters of importance to the nation, in the same form as the National Assembly that was held in 2009 to discuss consti- tutional reforms. 3. We rule out partnering with the Icelandic National Front [a far-right anti-immigration party currently not polling high enough to win a seat in Parliament] and any other parties that promote ha- tred, fear or injustice. The Left-Green Party (left- wing) 1. Left green politics, based on equality, feminism, pacifism and sustainability. 2. Our focus is on strengthen- ing the healthcare and education systems, and improving various parts of the infrastructure—in- cluding those needed to properly accommodate the increased num- ber of tourists visiting Iceland. To finance these reforms, we are not looking at increasing the tax burden of “ordinary” people— our focus is on the state securing a fair part of the profits made by big industry and those companies that use our collective natural re- sources. 3. The parties that have been in opposition this term have often been working well together. Con- tinuing this partnership after the elections would be the obvi- ous first choice. We could absolutely not work with any party that has racism on its agenda. The Progressive Party (centre-right) 1. The Progressive Party is a liberal social party that con- stantly strives for the bet- terment of society. 2. Working to increase equality by lowering taxes on low-income earners, and raising taxes on those who make more. By increasing budget allocations to the healthcare system, ensur- ing pensioners receive pay- ments that are in harmony with the minimum wage, and taxing so-called “super bonuses” [for bankers and management] especially. Supporting the welfare sys- tem as a whole. 3. The Progressive Party could work with every party that has a seat in Parliament. That co- operation depends on whether we can agree on the issues. The one party that we could not work with is the Icelandic National Front. The Questions 1. Describe your party platform in 10 words or less (Editor’s note: Only three parties managed to do this). 2. What ideas does your party have for changing Iceland for the better? 3. Of the other parties currently polling high enough to win seats in Parliament if elections were held today, who could you see yourselves partnering with in a coalition? Who could you see yourselves absolutely not partnering with in a coalition? Party Platforms Where Do They Want To Take Us? (cont.)
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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