Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1897, Side 12

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1897, Side 12
Gefendnr: ('and. I!. Sœmnndsson. Smithsonian Institution. Sama. Sania. Sama. Stud. mag. Helgi Jóns- son. Det kgl. Danske Viden- skah. Selskali. Rector Dahl. Smithsonian Jnstitution. Det kgl. Danske Viden- skabernes Selskab. Smithsonian Institution. Sama. Sama. Skma. 12 Sæmnndsson, li.: Zoologiske Jléddelelser fra Island (Siertr. af Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Khavn 1SD7). Lil.jeborfí, W.: Sveriges og Norges diiggdjur 1.—2. delen. Upsala 1871. Smithsonian Institution. United States Kational Mnseum. Speoial Bulletin. Life llisto- ries of North American Birds, from tbe Parrots to the Graekles, with special reference to tlieir Breeding Hahits and Eggs hy Charles IíeiHliro — with seven lithographic Plates. Washington 1895. dto. Smithsonian Institution. United States Xational Museum. Special BuBetin. Oecanie Ichtbvology, A Treatise on the Deap Sea Pelagic Fishes of the World, hased ehiefly upon the collcctions made by the steamers Blake, Albatross and Fish Hawk, with an Atlas containing 417 Figures, hjr George Brown Goode Pb. D. — and Tarleton II. Benn, M. D. Wash. Ifc95. 4to. -f- Plates. 4to. Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United Statcs National Museum No 47 The Fishes of North an 1 Middle-Amcrica: A descriptive Catalogue of the Species of fislilike Vestebrates found in tbe waters of North America, North of tbe Istbmus of Panama by David Starr Jordnn, Ph. D. — and Bnrton Warren Everinnmi, Ph. D. Part I. Washington 18. 6. — No. 48. Contribution toward a Monograph of the Inseets of the Lepidepterous Family Noctuidæ of P.oreal North America. A ltevision of tbe Deltoid Motlis. By Jobn M. Sniitli, Sc. D. Was- hington 1895. Smithsonian Miscellaneons Collections —1031— An Index to the Genera and Speeies of the Foraminifera by Charles Davies Sherborn. Part II. Non to /. City of Was- hington — 1896. Ilelgi Jnnsson: Bidrag til 0st Islands Flora. [Særtr. af Botanisk Tidskrift 20. B. 3. H. Ivh. 1896]. AVnrniing, Eng.: Halofj't Studier. D. Kgl. Danske A'idensk. Selsk. Skr. 6. líække, naturvidensk. og matli. Afd. VIII, 4. Kli. 1897. 4to. Jenhiu, Fleeming: Electricity and Magnetism. Tenth edition. London 1891. Williunison, Benjamin, and Tarleton, Fr-mcis A : An elementary treatise on Dyna- mics containing applications to thermodynamic.s witli numerous examples. Seconil edi- tion, revised and enlarged. London 1889. Ioannis Francisci Niceronis Parisini: Tbaumatiirgus Opticus-----------Lvtetiæ Parisiorum. M.D.C.XLVl 2. Smithsouian Contrilmtions to Knowledge —989— Hodgkins Fund. Tbe composition of expired Air and its effects upon animal Life. By J. S. Billings, S. Weir Micliell and I). H. Bergey City of AVasbingto i 1895. —1033— Hodgkins Fund. Argon a new coustituent of tbe Atmosphere. lly Lord Baleigli and Prof. William Ilaiu- say. City of Washington — 1896. - 1031— Hodgkins Fnnd. Atmospheric Aetinome- try and Actinic Constitntion of the Atmosphere. By E. Duelaux. City of 'Washing- ton 1896. —18„7— Hodgkins Fund. Methods for tbe Det* rmination of Organic Matter in Air. By David Hendricks Bergey, 11 S, M. D City of AVasbiugton — 1 96. 4to. BiicIixvaUlt: En mathemaeisk l’ndersogelse af hvorvidt V'ædsker og deres Dampe kunne liave en fællcs Tilstandsligning, baseret paa en kortfattet Freinstilling af Varme- theoriens Hovedsætninger. Avec résnmc en francais. I). Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 6. R., naturvidenskaliel. og matbemat. Afd. VIII, 3. Kh. 1896. 4to. Smithsonian Misellaneous Collections —1072— llodgkins Fund The Air of Towns, By Dr. J. B. Colien. [Witli twenty-one plates]. Wasbington 1896. Smithsonian Misellaneous Collections —1038— Smithsonian Physical Tables. Prepared hy Thomas Grny. City of Washington — 1896. Smitbsonian Misellaneus Collections —1075— Tbe Constants of Natnre. Part V. A Ke ealculation of tbe atomic Weights by Frank Wigglesworth Clnrke. New edition, re- vised and enlarged. City of Washington — 1897. Smithsonian Misellaneus Collections —1077— Hodgkins Fnnd. Equipment aud work of


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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