Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1902, Blaðsíða 14

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1902, Blaðsíða 14
Grefendur: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ * * * * * * * * $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 14 T Uppnimi. IIT. íslenzkt skákrit. Á sólmámiðinum. MC MI. Flor. MCMI. IV. — Gefið út fyrir Taflfélag Reykjavikur [Florens] MCML II. arg. 1—3. h. Florens MCMIT. Loyd, Samuel og fleiri: Nokkur skákdæmi II—III. Florens MCMI. Moalidars, T. de: Grande eneyclopédie des jenx mctliodi(|ue, universelle, illustrrée [I—11.] Par. s. a. Baird. Seven Hundred Cliess Prohlems selected from the compositions of W. J. Baird. L. 1902. Pulitzer, Walter: Chess Harmonies. Seleetions from the composition of W. Pulitzer. N. Y. 1894. Blumenthal, Oscar: Schachminiaturen. Eine Problemsammlung. Lpz 1901. Vida, Girolamo: II giuoco degli scacchi. Poemetto dal latino — per Giuseppe Giauninzzi. Napoli 1882. Rivista internacional de ajedrez. Uirigida paa Manuel Márquez Sterling Num. 1—15. Tomo I. Dec.—Abril. Madrid 1895—96. Leggett, W. and Gardner, Willie: The Game of Drauglits „Will o’ the Wisp“ — Sec. ed. Aherdeen 1885. Atkinson, Matthew: New Bristol. Yol. I. Part 1 and 2 comprisnig over 400 variations . — Bristol 1889. Carpenter, George E.: — Chess Problems. Rockdale Iowa 1886. La Estragia Moderna. Rivista mensual de ajedrez. Enero, 1894. Mexico 1894. Robbnis, Alexaiuler H.: A Colleetion of Chess Prohlems. Rockdale Iowa 1887. Rockwell, A. F.: A Collection of Chess Probíéms. Rockdale Iowa 1890. Elementary Exercises in the Construction of Chess Prohlems. Rockdale Iowa [1887]. Buck, C. A.: Paul Morpliy. His later Life. Newport Kentucky 1902. A Selection of Popular Three Move Chess Prohlems. Multis de auctorihus. Roekdale, Iowa 1889. [Brownson] Chess Journal Tourney Seven Dec. 1888. Jan. and. Fehr. 1889 s. 1. [1889]. Calculorum Semina from the Detroit Free Press [Rockdale Iowa]. s. a. Selections of Popular Two Move Cliess Problems. Rookdale Iowa 1887. De nordiska schackkongresserna i Stockholm 1897. Kopenh. 1899 och Götehorg 1901. Utg. af H. Krause, A. C. Rosendahl och F. Englund. Sth. 1902. Strickland, William: The Rritish Draught Player. Part I—IV. L. s. a. Book of Turney 8 from Brownson’s Chess Journal. Rockdale Duhucqve Iowa 1890. Sturgis, S. I).: A Collection of ('liess Prohlems. Rockdale, Duhuque County, lowa 1890. Hill, James: The Game of Draughts. Hills Synopsis of Draughts Openings. Woonsocket 1890. Vasquez, Bndres C.: Los Resolvedores de Prohlemas de Ajedrez en Cuha. Hahaua 1893. Vasquez, A. C.: E1 Ajedrez de Memoria. Hahana 1893. íHill, James, The Tournament of Games Played — — 1891, for the draugkt Champ- ionship of England. L. [1891]. .|Smith, James: The Game of Draughts. Twenty Matcli Games — — Spennymoor s. a. The Game of Draughts. Matcli Games: Camphell versus lleed. Warrington 1888. [Freeman vs. Barker. Restricted Match Games. Woonsocket 1890. Palmer, A. C. A. Collection of Chess Prohlems. Rockdale Dubucke County, Iowa 1890. Wheeler, Ch. H.: C’liess Prohlems. Rockdale Jowa s. a. Cowan, Nicolás Dominguez: Pifias del ajedrez-Mexico 1886. Sehakregler m m. til Hansp. Hansens Lonuneschakspil. Kria 1900. Tourney Problems entered in tlie Baltimore Sunday News’ Prohlem Composers Internat- ional Tournament No. 6 Baltimore 1S88. Miniatur-Bihliothek. 100/1„, Prakticher Leitfaden des Schachspiels. Lpz. s. a. Blackburne, S. S.: Prohlem Terms and Characteristics 1901. Munoz: An Alphabet of Chess Prohlems. N. Y. [1887] fol. [Miscellaueous Chess Engravings] fol. Commard, Laurent: Deux cents nouveaux problémcs — du jeux de dames — Par. 1823,


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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