Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1915, Page 37

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1915, Page 37
3L Schuchert, Charles: Revision of paleozoic Stelleroidea — — Wh. 1915. Svo. (79). Stopes, M. C.: Memoir 41. The „Fern ledges carboniferous fiora of St. John, New Brunswick. Ott. 1914. 8vo. (17). 570 Líffræði. hóðfræði. Barclai, J.: Icon animorum. Dresdae 1680. 8vo. (12). Goddard, P. E.: Dancing societies of the Sarsi Indians. N. Y. 1914. 8vo. (102). Hilzheimer, M.: Handbuch d. biologie d. wirbeltiere. Stuttg. 1913. 8vo. Hough, Walter: Culture of the ancient Pueblos of the upper Gila river region — — Wh. 1914. 8vo. (79). Hrdlicka ,B.: Anthropological work in Peru in 1913----------Wh. 1914. 8vo. (99). Lowie, H. R.: Dances & societies of the Plains Shoshone. N. Y. 1915. 8vo. [Anthropolog. papers. Vol. 11. p. 10]. (77). E— The sun dance of the Crow Indians. N.Y. 1915. 8vo. [An- thropolog. papers. Vol. 16. p. 1]. (76). — Societies of the Aricara Indians. N. Y. 1915. 8vo. [Anthro- polog. papers, Vol. 11. p. 8]. (77). Murie, J. R.: Pawnie Indian Societies. N. Y. 1914. 8vo. [Antro- pol. pap. Vol. 11, p. 7]. [77). Nelson, N. C.: Pueblo ruins of the Galisteo basin, N. Mexico. N. Y. 1914. 8vo. [Anthropol. pap. Vol. 15, p. 1]. (77). Petersen, C. G. Joh.: Beretning til Landbrugsministeren fra d. danske biolog. station. XXIII. 1915. Kh. 1915. 4to. (100). Simonsen, Kristen: Biologi for gymnasiats matemat.-naturvidensk. linje. Kh. 1914. 8vo. (38). Skinner, Alanson: Social life a. ceremonial bundles of the Menomini Indians. N. Y. 1913. 8vo. [Authropol. pap. Vol. 13, p. 1]. (77)' — Political organization, cults a. ceremonies of the Plains-Ojib- way-Indians. N. Y. 1914. 8vo. [Anthropol. pap. Vol. 11, p. 6]. (77). — Societies of the Iova, Kansa a. Ponca Indians. N. Y. 1915- 8vo. [Anthropolog. papers. Vol. 11, p. 9]. (77).


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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