Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1927, Síða 56

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1927, Síða 56
48 Cherubini: Anacreon. Overture. London ál. 8vo. (97). Dvorák, A.: »From the New World«. Symphony in E minor. London ál. 8vo. (97). Flute, The. London ál. 4to. (97). Foss, J. & V. Jensen: 50 sange i to og trestemmig bearbejdelse. 1.—2. halvdel. Kbh. 1924—26. 8vo. (97). Gevaert, F.-A.: A new treatise on instrumentation. Transl. by E. F. E. Suddard. Paris ál. 4to. (97). Graham, G. F.: The songs of Scotland, adapted to their appro- priate melodies. Vol. I—111. Edinb. ál. 8vo. (97). Grieg, E.: Erste Orchestersuite aus der Musik zu Peer Gynt. Partitur. Lpz. ál. 4to. (97). K y r i a 1 e, seu ordinarium missæ, quod juxta editionem Vaticanam hodiernæ musicæ signis tradidit Fr. X. Mathias. Ratisb. & Romæ. 1913. 8vo. (97). Lemare, E. H. (útg.): The recital series of original organ composition. No. 2. London ál. 4to. (97). Liszt, Fr.: 20 piano transcriptions. Ea. by Aug. Spanuth. Boston ál. 4to. (97). Méhul, H. E.: Joseph. Opéra en 3 actes. Braunschv. ál. 4to. (97). Mendelssohn Bartholdy, F.: Qrand trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle. Lpz. ál. 4to. (97). — Overture to »Melusina«. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Overture to Midsummer-night’s dream. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Ouverture zu Ruy Blas. London ál. 8vo. (97). Mozart, W. A.: The complete piano works. Ed. by E. Pauer. Vol. 11. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Don Giovanni. Overture. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Magic flute. Overture. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Overture to »Figaro«. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Sonatas for pianoforte ed. by E. Pauer. London ál. 4to. (97). — Symphony in C. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Symphony in G minor. London ál. 8vo. (97). Naumann, E.: The history of music. Transl. by F. Praeger. Spe- cial ed. Vol. I—V. London ál. 4to. (97). Novello’s Anthem book. A collection of popular anthems. Book 2. London ál. 8vo. (97). Ouseley, F. A. G.: A treatise on harmony. 3rd ed. Oxf. 1883. 8vo. (97). Panum, Hortense & W. Behrend: lllustreret musiklexikon. Kbh. 1924. 8vo. (5). Prout, E.: Applied forms. 5«h impr. London 1895. 8vo. (97).


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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