Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1927, Síða 57

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1927, Síða 57
49 Prout, E.: Counterpoint: strict and free. London 1890. 8vo. (97). — Double counterpoint and canon. 3rd ed. London 1891. 8vo.. (97). — Fugue. London 1891. 8vo. (97). — Harmony: its theory and practice. 25‘h impr. London 1901- 8vo. (97). — Musical form. 6*h impr. London 1893. 8vo. (97). — The orchestra. Vol. I. Technique and instruments. 2nd ed. Vol. II. Orchestral combinations. 2nd ed. London 1897— 99. 8vo. (97). Sandvik, O. M.: Norsk folkemusik, særlig Östlandsmusikken Kria 1921. 4to. (52). Schubert, Fr.: Rosamunde. Overture. London ál. 8vo. (97). — 22 songs. Transcr. for pianoforte by F. Liszt. Rev. by E. Pauer. London ál. 4to. (97). — Unvollendete Symphonie. H-Moll. Lpz. ál. 8vo. (97). Schumann, R.: Songs. With German and English words, the latter of M. X. Hayes. Ed. by J. L. Hatton. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Symphony No 1 in B flat. Uondon ál. 8vo. (97). Skjerne, G.: Plutarks dialog om musiken. Kbh. & Lpz. 1909. 4to. (97). Spohr, L.: Violin concerto No 8 in A. London ál. 8vo. (97). Tschaikowsky, P.: Symphony pathétique. London ál. 8vo. (97)» Volkmann, R.: Fest-Ouverture ftir grosses Orchester. Lpz. ál. 8vo. (97). Wagner, R.: Overture to »The Flying Dutchman». London áL 8vo. (97). — Overture to Tannhauser. London ál. 8vo. (97). Weber, C. M.: Overture to »Der Freischíits«. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Overture to Oberon. London ál. 8vo. (97). — Overture to »The Ruler of the spirits«. London ál. 8vo. (97). Wennerberg, G.: Ur Davids psalmer. Sánger för soloröst och chor med ackompagnement af pianoforte. Del I. Sth. ál. 4to. (97). 790 Skemtanir. Leikir. Kmoch, H.: Die Kunst der Verteidigung. (Veits kleine Schach- bíicherei. Bd. 9.) Berl. & Lpz. 1927. 8vo. 4


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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