Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1928, Blaðsíða 55
Nature. A weekly ill. journal of science. Vol. 120—121.
Lond. 1927—28. 4to.
Naturen 1927. 6. række. 1. aarg. (51. aarg.). Bergen &
Kbh. 1927. 8vo.
Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences.
Proceedings. Vol. 79. 1927. Phiiad. 1928. 8vo. (1).
— — Yearbook 1927. Philad. 1928. 8vo. (1).
VVashington. United States National Museum.
Bulletin 76, 100. Vol. 7, 136, 140-142. Wash. 1927—28.
4to & 8vo. (94).
— — Report 1927. Wash. 1927. 8vo. (94).
Central Asiatic expeditions of the American Museum
of Natural History. Vol. II. Geology of Mongolia by Ch.
P. Berkey & Fr. K. Morris. N. York 1927. 4to. (3).
Charcot, J.-B.: Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne du
»Pourquoi-pas?« en 1927. Paris 1928. 8vo. (17).
Danish Ingolf Expedition, The. Vol. III. 10. Boschma, H.:
Rhizocephala. Cop. 1927. 4to. (108).
Norwegian expedition to Novaja Zemlya 1921, The.
Report. Ed. by O. Holtedahl. Vol. II. Oslo 1928. 8vo. (79).
Thule expedition. Report of the fifth Thule expedition
1921—1924. Vol. III, 3. Birket-Smith, K.: Five hundred
Eskimo words. Copenh. 1928. 8vo. (86).
— — Vol. IV, 1—2. Mathiassen, Th.: Archæology of the
Central-Eskimos. Copenh. 1927. 8vo. (86).
— — Vol. VI, 1. Mathiassen, Th.: Material culture of the
Iglulik Eskimos. Copenh. 1928. 8vo. (86).
510 Stærðfræði.
Encykloptfdie der matematischen Wissenschaften. I. 1—2;
II. 1, 1-2; II. 2; II. 3, 1-2; III. 1, 1; III. 2, 1; III. 3. Lpz.
1898—1927. 8vo. 10 bd.
Espensen, H. Chr.: Geometriske konstruktionsopgaver. (Trekant
og trapez med lösninger). Kbh. 1927. 8vo. (36).