Landshagir - 01.11.1997, Síða 103

Landshagir - 01.11.1997, Síða 103
Landbúnaður 97 Tafla 4.1. Jarðargróði 1991-1996 Table 4.1. Production offield crops 1991-1996 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Heyfengur alls, m3 3.354.517 2.999.861 2.857.319 3.061.055 2.503.564 2.922.058 Total hay yield, m3 Þurrhey, m3 2.391.574 2.087.369 1.787.701 1.676.369 1.288.940 1.368.256 Dried hay, m3 Vothey, m3 962.943 r 129.973 124.270 123.413 105.195 106.837 Silage, m3 Votheysrúllur, m3 1 782.519 945.348 1.261.273 1.109.429 1.446.965 Big-bale silage, m3 Heykögglar, tonn 4.533 666 295 375 243 1.491 Hay pellets, tonnes Kartöflur, tonn 15.131 6.292 3.913 11.145 7.324 11.214 Potatoes, tonnes Rófur, tonn 643 386 679 1.010 328 902 Tumips, tonnes Gulrætur, tonn 75 109 193 187 168 Carrots, tonnes Kom, tonn 408 495 794 485 2.061 Cereal grains, tonnes Heimildir: Bændasamtök íslands; Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi). Sources: Agricultural Society oflceland; Statistics Iceland (Monthly Statistics). Tafla 4.2. Notkun tilbúins áburðar 1985-1995 Table 4.2. Consumption of artificial fertilizers 1985-1995 Magn í tonnum 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Quantity in tonnes Köfnunarefni (N) 13.553 12.931 12.363 11.404 12.168 12.474 12.163 10.905 11.401 11.787 11.197 Nitrogen (N) Fosfór (P,05) 7.487 6.991 6.578 5.868 6.088 6.309 5.997 5.313 5.388 5.509 4.966 Phosphorus (P205) Kalí (K20) 5.610 5.295 4.977 4.446 4.623 4.736 4.575 3.921 4.002 4.228 3.667 Potash (K20) Skýringar: Áburðarmagniðhefurveriðumreiknaðíhreintáburðarefni. Tölumarerumiðaðarviðhvert 12mánaðatímabilfrá l.júlítiljafnlengdarnæstaáráeftir. Hins vegar er öll sala hvers slíks 12 mánaða tímabils á síðari helmingi þess en árin hér að ofan em miðuð við það. Note: The quantity is shown in terms ofpurefertilizers. Heimild: Áburðarverksmiðjan hf. Source: Fertilizer PlantLtd. Tafla 4.3. Tala búpenings 1989-1996 Table 4.3. Number of livestock 1989-1996 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Nautgripir 72.789 74.889 77.681 76.034 73.912 71.923 73.199 74.816 Cattle Mjólkurkýr 31.490 32.246 31.641 30.359 30.032 30.518 30.428 29.854 Milk cows Kvígur 4.619 4.583 4.357 12.186 11.955 12.412 12.781 13.846 Heifers Geldnaut 17.939 17.951 20.623 18.441 17.474 14.989 15.379 17.043 Steers Sauðfé 560.920 548.508 510.782 487.312 488.787 499.110 458.341 463.935 Sheep Ær 461.728 445.513 414.041 390.899 395.519 398.167 372.202 370.465 Ewes Hross 69.238 71.693 74.069 75.171 76.726 78.517 78.202 80.518 Horses Geitfé 323 345 350 318 330 337 350 403 Goats Svín 3.247 3.116 3.315 3.474 3.610 3.752 3.726 3.543 Pigs Varphænsni 231.997 214.936 197.123 178.954 173.933 165.007 164.402 166.336 Hens Holdahænsni 13 183.000 291.000 233.199 44.065 65.202 30.671 21.893 20.478 Poultry 11 Minkar 56.000 42.000 38.617 29.035 32.588 33.573 29.941 43.010 Mink Refir 7.600 4.800 5.029 5.419 5.814 6.864 7.308 9.316 Foxes Kanínur 2.200 1.800 1.570 430 173 128 84 75 Rabbits u Fram til 1991 vom holdakjúklingar taldir með holdahænsnum. Skýringar: Mismunur á heildartölu nautgripa og samtölu kúa, kvíga og geldneyta er tala kálfa og holdakúa. Note: The difference between the total number of cattle and the sum ofcows, heifers and steers is the number ofcalves and beef cows. Heimildir: Bændasamtök íslands; Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi). Sources: Agricultural Society oflceland; Statistics Iceland (Monthly Statistics).
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