Landshagir - 01.11.1997, Qupperneq 145
Tafla 10.6. Innflutningur og útflutningur eftir vörudeildum (SITC, 3. endursk.) 1996
Table 10.6. Imports and exports by divisions ofthe SITC, Rev. 3, in 1996
Nettóþyngd í tonnum Þyngd Weight Verðmæti Value
Verðmæti í þús. kr. Innflutt Imports Útflutt Exports Innflutt Fob-verð Fob value Imports Cif-verð Cif value Útflutt Exports fob
Samtals 1.956.665,5 1.238.175,7 124.836.067 135.994.469 125.689.779
00 Lifandi dýr 2,7 932,9 6.495 9.356 246.396
01 Kjöt og unnar kjötvörur 53,0 3.314,0 27.875 30.440 542.311
02 Mjólkurafurðir og egg 302,4 289,4 101.985 113.330 41.757
03 Fiskur og unnið fiskmeti 26.474,4 395.412,4 2.553.255 2.801.423 81.064.635
04 Kom og unnar komvömr 61.036,5 43,4 1.941.088 2.254.272 5.813
05 Grænmeti og ávextir 28.112,4 194,7 2.242.847 2.682.128 17.141
06 Sykur, sykurvörur og hunang 14.073,8 76,5 651.155 737.856 32.661
07 Kaffi, kakó, te, krydd 4.170,2 47,8 1.257.555 1.337.948 11.316
08 Skepnufóður, nema ómalað kom 8.581,1 253.564,8 385.011 433.781 10.254.816
09 Ýmsar unnar matvömr 4.230,5 210,0 1.363.441 1.458.964 12.635
11 Drykkjarvörur 10.432,1 6.152,8 1.135.054 1.281.331 171.613
12 Tóbak og unnar tóbaksvömr 554,1 - 958.332 986.679 -
21 Húðir, skinn og loðskinn, óunnið 433,9 466,8 79.614 84.103 450.631
22 Olíufræ, olíuhnetur og olíukjamar 327,9 - 25.814 28.860 -
23 Hrá-, gervi- og endumnnið gúmmí 192,9 - 12.441 14.648 -
24 Korkur og trjáviður 47.082,6 1,0 1.183.382 1.430.526 25
25 Pappírskvoða og úrgangspappír 9,8 7.319,0 642 790 39.804
26 Spunatrefjar og úrgangur 263,5 1.179,8 67.287 73.596 146.989
27 Áburður og jarðefni, óunnin 280.749,0 195.744,4 457.017 899.828 977.543
28 Málmgrýti og málmúrgangur 225.917,4 23.243,9 3.095.823 3.349.158 354.968
29 Óunnar efnivömr dýra-/jurtakyns 948,0 336,2 228.551 274.517 209.163
32 Kol, koks og mór 96.720,5 - 470.678 619.652 -
33 Jarðolía og -afurðir og skyld efni 749.701,6 7.551,4 9.292.534 10.011.610 76.732
34 Gas, náttúrlegt og tilbúið 1.257,2 - 21.656 33.311 -
41 Dýrafeiti og -olía 230,1 139.156,2 12.235 13.995 3.908.014
42 Jurtafeiti og -olía, óunnin 3.197,5 0,0 212.095 238.934 7
43 Önnur feiti og olía, unnin 1.726,1 0,4 114.770 129.000 56
51 Lífræn kemísk efni 3.162,3 57,8 578.236 621.250 41.435
52 Ólífræn kemísk efni 14.558,4 815,9 539.701 675.540 24.238
53 Litunar-, sútunar- og málunarefni 4.370,7 5,6 934.823 1.017.210 2.929
54 Lyfja- og lækningavömr 518,5 60,3 3.205.720 3.292.538 467.740
55 Rokgjamar olíur, hreinlætisvömr o.fl. 5.315,2 12,7 1.604.948 1.740.906 4.604
56 Tilbúinn áburður, annar en í 27 21.608,4 26,0 242.560 289.217 502
57 Plastefni, óunnin 14.599,9 1.568,7 1.266.296 1.411.297 80.466
58 Plastefni, unnin 3.947,5 49,7 1.180.169 1.300.811 20.593
59 Kemísk efni og afurðir, ót.a. 10.332,9 689,6 1.171.309 1.291.913 6.019
61 Leður, leðurvömr og loðskinn 79,7 407,6 80.097 87.232 1.227.188
62 Unnar gúmmívömr ót.a. 4.248,7 115,5 1.234.986 1.358.988 23.534
63 Unnar vömr úr korki og trjáviði 19.531,6 183,5 1.468.095 1.624.771 12.807
64 Pappír, pappi og vömr úr slíku 42.578,4 1.502,0 4.195.991 4.660.526 205.574
65 Spunagam, vefnaður o.þ.h. ót.a. 6.558,7 1.083,4 3.334.459 3.584.621 664.088
66 Vömr úr ómálmkenndum jarðefnum 18.507,6 4.015,8 1.478.534 1.722.472 152.733
67 Járn og stál 46.428,4 68.331,9 2.498.463 2.818.393 3.834.971
68 Málmar aðrir en jám 5.037,2 101.161,1 1.152.797 1.218.334 12.108.725
69 Unnar málmvömr ót.a. 20.329,7 1.174,4 5.186.205 5.707.544 492.374
71 Aflvélar og tilheyrandi búnaður 974,0 17,9 1.320.009 1.422.325 14.623
72 Vélar til sérstakra atvinnugreina 6.617,0 388,3 4.192.024 4.456.957 436.607
73 Málmsmíðavélar 1.327,1 944,4 591.279 631.066 4.094
74 Vélbúnaður til atvinnurekstrar ót.a. 9.473,3 753,6 7.796.965 8.333.604 1.485.671
75 Skrifstofuvélar og tölvur 794,8 3,5 4.606.038 4.775.864 36.833
76 Fjarskipta- og útvarpsbúnaður 1.346,6 2,0 4.076.063 4.259.710 2.868
77 Rafm.- og rafeindabún., rafmagnstæki 58.526,0 676,4 7.031.765 7.503.801 93.770
78 Flutningatæki á vegum 18.392,7 133,3 9.621.097 10.511.336 9.335
79 Önnur flutningatæki 23.970,0 16.255,7 6.736.165 6.863.165 4.170.496
81 Húshlutar, pípulagningaefni, ljósabúnaður 4.184,7 5,6 1.055.939 1.178.359 10.163
82 Húsgögn og hlutar til þeirra 6.733,9 13,9 2.228.585 2.542.158 6.958
83 Ferðabúnaður, handtöskur o.þ.h. 204,3 0,4 240.884 271.198 575
84 Fatnaður annar en skófatnaður 2.182,1 74,8 4.977.654 5.337.399 220.901
85 Skófatnaður 609,3 1,0 1.081.781 1.175.311 1.985
87 Vísinda- og mælitæki ót.a. 427,6 2,8 2.294.507 2.409.755 55.375
88 Ljósmyndavörur, sjóntæki, klukkur 642,4 0,3 1.162.051 1.238.142 4.690
89 Ýmsar iðnaðarvömr, ót.a. 10.748,8 1.384,4 6.229.605 6.959.795 705.196
9 Aðrar vömr, ót.a. 1.015,9 1.018,2 341.636 370.926 494.090
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (Utanríkisverslun). Source: Statistics Iceland (Extemál Trade).
Net weight in tonnes
Value in thousand ISK
00 Live animals other than animals ofdivision 03
01 Meat and meat preparations
02 Dairy products and eggs
03 Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, and preparations thereof
04 Cereals and cereal preparations
05 Vegetables andfruit
06 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey
07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof
08 Feeding stufffor animals (not including unmilled cereals)
09 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations
11 Beverages
12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures
21 Hides, skins and furskins, raw
22 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
23 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)
24 Cork and wood
25 Pulp and waste paper
26 Textile fibres and their wastes (not manufactured into yarn or fabric)
27 Crude fertilizers, other than those ofdivision 56, and crude minerals (excluding coal, petroleum and precious stones)
28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
29 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.
32 Coal, coke and briquettes
33 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials
34 Gas, natural and manufactured
41 Animal oils andfats
42 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated
43 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes ofanimal or vegetable origin; inedible preparations ofanimal or vegetable fats and oils, n.e.s.
51 Organic chemicals
52 Inorganic chemicals
53 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials
54 Medical and pharmaceutical products
55 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations
56 Fertilizers (other than those of group 272)
57 Plastics in primary forms
58 Plastics in non-primary forms
59 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.
61 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s., and dressed furskins
62 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.
63 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)
64 Paper, paperboard and articles ofpaper pulp, ofpaper or ofpaperboard
65 Textile yam, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products
66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.
67 Iron and steel
68 Non-ferrous metals
69 Manufactures ofmetals, n.e.s.
71 Power generating machinery and equipment
72 Machinery specialized for particular industries
73 Metalworking machinery
74 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.
75 Office machines and automatic data processing machines
76 Telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment
77 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and parts thereof
78 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)
79 Other transport equipment
81 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.
82 Fumiture and parts thereof: bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings
83 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers
84 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories
85 Footwear
87 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.
88 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks
89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s
9 Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in SITC