Landshagir - 01.11.1997, Page 320
Parliament (Althingi), general elections 304-307
Participation rate - see Activity rate
Passenger cars 153-156
Passenger transport, domestic flights 149
Passenger transport, intemational 150
Passengers from abroad 158-160
Pension 254
Periodicals, publication 291, 293
Pharmacists, number 260
Physicians, number 260
Pigs, number 97-98
Pollution, emission of materials 26-28
Population 29^18
Population, 1 December 30
Population, 31 December 40, 42
Population, administrative districts 32
Population, age 40-42
Population, constituency 32
Population, country of birth 46
Population, country of citizenship 46
Population, geographical division 32
Population, increase 29-30
Population, labour force status 76-78
Population, localities 37
Population, marital status 42
Population, mean population 30, 41^12
Population, municipality 32-35
Population, projection 75
Population, religious organizations 45
Population, rural areas 37
Population, sex 29-30, 40-42
Population, size of locality 39
Population, year of birth 40
Pork 100
Post and Telecommunication Administration 167
Postal giro services 167
Postal service 167
Potato production 97, 98
Poultry 100
Poultry, number 97
Power-intensive industries, electricity consumption 126
Power-intensive industries, energy sales 127
Precipitation 24
Presidential elections 308
Price indices, exports 142
Price indices, imports 142
Primary health care districts, number 20
Private cars 153-156
Private final consumption expenditure 192, 210-218
Private power plants 125
Protected areas 23
Public administration, employed 82-84
Public buildings, construction 122
Public employees, compensation 170
Public libraries 300
Public sector expenditure, economic categories 234
Public sector expenditure, functions 236
Public sector fmances 230-244
Publications 291-293
Quadruplet deliveries 63
Rabbits, number 97
Radio stations 294-296
Radio telephone stations 167
Radio, stations 294-294
Rate of exchange, foreign currencies 207-209
Rate of exchange, indices 209
Real estate and business services, employed 82-84
Registered partnership 30
Religious organizations, population 45
Reproduction rates 30, 66
Research and development 302-303
Residential construction 121
Restaurants, volume indices 130
Retail prices in Reykjavík 182
Retail prices of some commodities and services 182
Retail, wholesale trade, volume index 130
Reykjavík City Council elections 310
Rivers 21
Road system 152
Road traffic accidents 157
Salmon fishing 102-103
Salted fish, by species 109
Salted fish, products 114
Salted fish, volume indices 113
School districts, number 20
SDR, rates 208
Second level education, number of students 280-284
Sex distribution 42
Sex ratio 30
Sheep, number 97-98
Ship arrivals in Reykjavík harbour 148
Ships, number 147
Single deliveries 63
Single parents, number 48
Smoked fish, volume indices 113
Smoking habits 264-265
Snowmobiles 154
Social assistance benefits 250, 252
Social assistance to households 272-275
Social assistance, municipal 272-275
Social security 248-258
Social security, accidents reported 257
Social security, benefits 250, 251
Social security, expenditure 245-247
Social security, expenditure by benefit category 249
Social security, funding of pension schemes 248
Social security, health insurance 256-257
Special libraries 300
Sterilizations 263
Strikes and lockouts 95
Students, number attending schools 279-80
Sulphur oxide, emission 27
Supreme Court cases 276
Survivors of 1,000 bom 73
Tax assessment districts, number 20
Taxes 232
Teachers, compulsory schools 289
Telecommunication 167
Telephone service 167
Television 295
Temperature 24
Theatres 297
Tourism 158-166
Tourist nights 164-166