Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Blaðsíða 195
Pj óðhagsr eikningar
Einkaneysla heimila 1997-2001
Household final consumption expenditure 1997-2001
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001'
Milljónir kr. á verðlagi hvers árs Million ISK at current prices
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 68.898 74.562 78.971 82.446 90.443 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 19.295 21.375 22.620 23.330 23.849 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 49.035 51.976 56.842 65.487 70.466 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 21.641 24.695 26.846 27.645 29.331 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 6.828 8.273 9.213 9.933 11.568 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 41.044 46.418 53.598 56.614 51.755 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun Recreation, entertainment,
og menningarmál 31.418 34.682 38.256 42.043 46.128 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 34.182 38.780 43.729 48.622 55.622 Miscellaneous goods and services
Einkaneysla heimila Domestic liousehold consumption
innanlands alls 272.341 300.763 330.075 356.120 379.162 expenditure, total
Utgjöld Islendinga erlendis2 22.893 28.032 31.487 37.082 36.400 Purchases abroad by residents2 Purchases in Iceland by
Utgjöld útlendinga á Islandi2 12.316 14.633 16.070 17.967 22.881 non-residents2 Household final consumption
Einkaneysla heimila alls 282.918 314.162 345.492 375.235 392.681 expenditure, total
Starfsemi samtaka 10.303 11.743 13.195 14.339 15.732 Non-profit institutions serv. househ.
Einkaneysla alls 293.221 325.905 358.687 389.574 408.413 Priv. final consumpt. expendit., total
Magnvísitölur (1990=100) Volume indices (1990=100)
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 109,9 115,0 118,8 119,8 123,2 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 98,3 115,1 122,5 128,6 131,1 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 97,0 100,3 101,5 103,0 104,6 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 111,1 127,5 138,4 139,0 138,1 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 145,7 165,3 176,7 187,2 202,3 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 123,6 139,5 157,1 156,8 131,4 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun Recreation, entertainment,
og menningarmál 122,6 142,9 160,7 180,0 173,9 education and cultural services
Ymsar vömr og þjónusta 120,4 135,0 147,9 155,8 167,0 Miscellaneous goods and services
Einkaneysla heimila Private domestic household
innanlands alls 111,5 122,5 131,0 135,3 134,4 consumption expenditure, total
Utgjöld Islendinga erlendis2 103,1 124,4 138,5 158,3 129,1 Purchases abroad by residents2 Purchases in Iceland by
Utgjöld útlendinga á Islandi2 110,7 129,6 137,9 148,8 176,5 non-residents2 Private final household
Einkaneysla heimila alls 110,9 122,3 131,4 136,6 132,2 consumption expenditure, total
Starfsemi samtaka 107,4 111,3 116,5 120,6 124,8 Non-profit institutions serv. househ.
Einkaneysla alls 110,7 122,0 130,9 136,1 132,0 Priv. final consumpt. expendit., total
Hlutfallsleg skipting Percent distribution of private
einkaneyslu, % consumption
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 23,5 22,9 22,0 21,2 22,1 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 6,6 6,6 6,3 6,0 5,8 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 16,7 15,9 15,8 16,8 17,3 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnisliings, house-
og heimilistæki 7,4 7,6 7,5 7,1 7,2 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 2,3 2,5 2,6 2,5 2,8 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 14,0 14,2 14,9 14,5 12,7 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun Recreation, entertainment,
og menningarmál 10,7 10,6 10,7 10,8 11,3 education and cultural seiyices
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 11,7 11,9 12,2 12,5 13,6 Miscellaneous goods and setyices
Einkaneysla heimila Private domestic household
innanlands alls 92,9 92,3 92,0 91,4 92,8 consumption expenditure, total
Utgjöld Islendinga erlendis2 7,8 8,6 8,8 9,5 8,9 Purchases abroad by residents2 Purchases in Iceland by
Utgjöld útlendinga á íslandi2 4,2 4,5 4,5 4,6 5,6 non-residents2