Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Blaðsíða 135
5.1 Heyfengur og uppskera grænmetis, korns og garðávaxta 2005–2010
Production of field crops 2005–2010
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Heyfengur alls, m3#Total hay yield, m3 1.968.018 1.954.227 1.993.773 2.091.688 2.105.238 2.165.642
Þurrhey, m3#Dried hay, m3 206.179 164.258 144.491 133.829 122.187 130.084
vothey, m3#Silage, m3 20.864 … … 33.438 37.875 …
votheysrúllur, m3#Big-bale silage, m3 1.740.975 1.789.969 1.849.282 1.924.421 1.945.176 2.035.558
kartöflur, tonn#Potatoes, tonnes 7.250 13.800 13.000 12.500 9.500 12.460
Rófur, tonn#Turnips, tonnes 750 800 860 872 939 833
Gulrætur, tonn#Carrots, tonnes 418 398 526 653 720 612
korn, þurrverkað, tonn#Cereal grains, dried, tonnes 2.404 2.518 3.393 5.372 5.984 4.249
korn, votverkað, tonn#Cereal grains, tonnes 7.386 8.664 7.852 10.045 10.896 8.926
tómatar, tonn#Tomatoes, tonnes 1.508 1.724 1.603 1.621 1.481 1.652
Gúrkur, tonn#Cucumber, tonnes 1.147 1.124 1.343 1.516 1.452 1.458
Blómkál, tonn#Cauliflower, tonnes 44 83 112 107 102 114
Hvítkál, tonn#Cabbage, tonnes 346 307 340 434 473 425
Paprika, tonn#Pepper, tonnes 126 130 147 170 177 187
kínakál, tonn#Chinese cabbage, tonnes 162 219 222 229 222 164
Sveppir, tonn#Mushroom, tonnes 438 488 515 526 553 579
5 Bændasamtök íslands.#Farmers' Association of Iceland.
5.2 Búpeningur og heyfengur eftir landsvæðum 2010
Livestock and production of field crops by region 2010
allt Höfuð- norður- norður-
landið borgar- vestur- vest- land land austur- Suður-
Whole svæði og land firðir vestra eystra land land
country Suðurnes1 West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South
Tala búfjár#Number of livestock
nautgripir#Cattle 73.781 1.386 9.432 2.484 11.259 17.270 4.830 27.120
Mjólkurkýr#Cows 25.711 385 3.395 825 3.723 6.285 1.602 9.496
Holdakýr#Beef cows 1.672 199 195 31 524 219 28 476
kvígur#Heifers 6.858 115 870 221 1.004 1.722 413 2.513
Geldneyti#Steers 18.978 305 2.314 662 2.914 4.285 1.422 7.076
kálfar#Calves 20.562 382 2.658 745 3.094 4.759 1.365 7.559
Sauðfé#Sheep 479.841 4.687 81.541 47.081 109.638 75.924 80.680 80.290
Ær#Ewes 374.266 3.432 62.925 37.151 86.043 58.719 63.819 62.177
Hross#Horses 77.164 8.902 9.522 882 19.520 7.816 3.394 27.128
varphænsni#Hens 173.419 136.744 516 162 479 12.088 8.302 15.128
Svín#Pigs 40.016 12.989 13.525 – 906 5.535 86 6.975
Minkar#Mink 37.409 2.552 – – 12.091 4.410 3.629 14.727
Refir#Foxes 5 2 – 3 – – – –
Heyfengur#Field crops
Þurrhey m3#Dried hay m3 130.084 200 12.612 1.761 39.216 53.441 10.781 12.073
vothey m3#Silage m3 2.035.558 34.130 292.616 103.922 385.739 360.383 220.937 637.831
kornrækt, hektarar#
Cereal grains, hectare 3.317 – 438 • 502 541 227 1.611
1 Capital region and Southwest.
5 Matvælastofnun.#The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.