Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.10.2018, Blaðsíða 39

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.10.2018, Blaðsíða 39
Visiting The Family, And Enjoying It Norðanpaunk is the annual assembly of Iceland’s underground scene Words: Phil Uwe Widiger Photo: Alma Líf Þorsteinsdóttir Festival Norðanpaunk is an annual three-day DIY gathering “for difficult people who listen to difficult music." It took place in Laugarbakki from August 3rd-6th 2018 There are very few events like Norðanpaunk. In fact, I’ve never been to one that even comes close. Norðanpaun k is an annua l gathering of the Icelandic punk community and, aside from be- ing an opportunity to meet (un) familiar faces from the Icelandic underground scene, you also get to enjoy three days of music form both local and international un- derground bands. Located rough- ly two and a half hours north of Reykjavík, in Laugarbakki, it is the epitome of DIY culture. Nobody gets paid; instead, vol- unteers help out providing food, set t i ng up the stage, checking w ri stba nds a nd clea n i ng up. Everybody can help and I’m sure a lmost ever ybody does. Even though the police might have a look from time to time, I reckon they just come because they are jealous. In the past three years that I’ve attended the festival, I haven’t seen a single fight. And for a BYOB gathering, that means something. A small family A fair portion of the 450 attend- ees perform at the festival, with quite a few of them appearing in several bands. The people you are hanging out with at the camp site are sure to be blowing your mind on stage later. Actually, there are two stag- es—there’s the main stage, and then there is the hallway, which more often than not becomes a mosh pit. Conveniently, the first aid room is located right next to it. More frequently used, however, is the draw- ing space next t o t he m a i n stage, where paper and pencils are provided. The resulting artworks of the attendees is hung up all over the venue for everybody to admire. Weird and extreme The line-up ranges from punk, t o h a rdcore, t o bla ck met a l , to electro, to indie, and so on. Rea l ly, ever ybody who ma kes extreme or weird music is wel- come. I delved into the darkness of Hekla’s theremin, got bruised in Dead Herring’s mosh pit and accepted the neck pa i n a f ter Mor phol it h’s i n sa nely heav y doom performance. I also trav- elled back to the ‘70s with Lucy In Blue’s marvelous psychedelic prog-rock (where the hell is the second album?), attended N Y- IÞ’s satanic ritual, and got my ea rs st abbed by Wiegedood’s sharp-as-a-k nife black meta l riffs. When the programme for t he day i s over, people wend their way to the bonfire right next to a huge wooden sword, where, if you are lucky, you will be able to attend a secret music ritual (spoiler: a performance by masked lo-fi duo Madonna + Child). Nothing but love As you can guess, Norðanpaunk’s fifth edition further secured the festival’s place in my heart. It feels like the whole underground family got together—relatives from near and far—to enjoy three days of great music, having fun, and helping each other without the pressure of authority. And it just works. It sure as hell fucking does. Even the sun came out to celebrate. Norðan- paunk, I love you. See you again next year. Share this: Freaky family reunion “The whole underground family got together to enjoy three days of great music, having fun, and helping each other without the pressure of authority.” 39The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14— 2018 Einskis-mannslandNo Man‘s Land Ríkir þar fegurðin ein?Where Beauty Alone Reigns? 02.06.–30.09.2018 Hafnarhús Tryggvagata 17 101 Reykjavík Kjarvalsstaðir Flókagata 24 105 Reykjavík Open daily +354 411 6400
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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