Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.09.2018, Blaðsíða 44

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.09.2018, Blaðsíða 44
The Reykjavík Grapevine Best of Reykjavík 2018 44 TRUST THE LOCALS Perfect Day How to Reykjavík, from those who know the city best Words: John Rogers Photos: Timothée Lambrecq & Art Bicnick Who knows how better to nav- igate a city than the locals? No- body, that’s who. With that in mind, we asked some faces of the local scene—a photogra- pher, a DJ, and a comedian—to tell us about how they’d spend their perfect day in Reykjavík. Imagine that! No work (unless they’re weird and want to), no fitness guilt (although some people apparently enjoy work- ing out, wtf), and no budget considerations (yay!). What a day. Here are some highlights from their dream itineraries. Read the full Perfect Days at Lilja Birgisdóttir, Photographer My perfect morning would be to sleep in with absolutely no stress or deadlines on my back. I would wake up to a delicious breakfast table from Brauð og Co., the best bakery in town. Suddenly my good friend Katla would bang on the door with a steaming hot coffee from her lovely café Bismút. Atlas, the family dog, wakes up as a well behaved gentleman and picks me up up for a quiet stroll by the Reykjavík harbour to head over to our favourite place, the Mar- shall House. Melkorka Þorkelsdóttir, DJ I live for Mai Thai at Hlemmur, not only because it’s the ulti- mate bang for the buck down- town, but also because I live right across the street from there. But most of the time I ac- tually head down to Laugardalur during lunchtime because, de- spite my gothic appearance, I’m actually a gym rat at heart. It’s almost embarrassing how I’ve started to get withdrawal symp- toms if I don’t hit Laugar at least three times a week. Therefore, I truly get out of character and sweat it out alongside my fellow fitness model trainees. Kimi Taylor, Aspiring Power Lesbian Being an art student, I enjoy both window shopping and free- bies. One of my favourite places to do this is Kolaportið, where I can both peruse curiosities and sample nammi treats. After- wards, I’d whittle away the rest of the afternoon in art galleries. I’m really into the vibrant cul- ture of artist-run spaces so I’d check out who’s showing at Ek- kisens and Harbinger. Rey kjav ík M ariti me M useu m uni que The Sett lem ent Exh ibiti on mus eumOne Árb ær O pen Air Mus eum Rey kjav ík M useu m o f Ph otog raph y in fi ve Viðey Island plac es Reykjavík City Museum, engaging journeys through culture, heritage and history. REYKJAVÍK’S FIRST BREWPUB lunch from 1.690 kr BRYGGJAN BRUGGHÚS * GRANDAGARÐI 8 101 REYKJAVÍK * 00354 456 4040 * WWW.BRYGGJANBRUGGHUS.IS
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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