The Iceland year-book

Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

The Iceland year-book - 01.01.1926, Qupperneq 6

The Iceland year-book - 01.01.1926, Qupperneq 6
officials. To all those who have so kindly given their valuable assistance. I wish to express my sincere thanks. My helpers are too many to be enumerated here, but 1 may be allowed specially to mention Mr. Howard Little, cor- respondent in Iceland for THE TIMES, whose suggestions throughout have been exceptionally valuable, particularly as regards the inclusion and exclusion of matter in hand. This book, it need hardly be said, does not aim at filling the place of a commercial directory, and those who re- quire such a publication must therefore be referred to Mr. Vilhjdlmur Finsen’s ,,Directory of Iceland“ which is published annually and may be had from any Icelandic bookseller. The first issue of THE ICELAND YEAR-BOOK is unpre- tentious and elementary, but it is hoped gradually to ex- tend and improve future editions. A grant towards the cost of publication has been made by the Ministry of Industries and Commerce, for which the Publisher wishes me to record his thanks. In justice to the printers concerned it should be stated that many of the blocks supplied for illustration were al- ready badly worn — a fact not discovered until it was to late to set the matter right in this edition. For that reason the results are, naturally, far from satisfactory. S. J. 7b Holtsgata, Reykjavik. May 20, 1026.
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The Iceland year-book

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